Chapter 12: the incident

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A/N: minor smut in this chapter u have been warned!!!

Hux woke up half an hour after falling asleep and let out a groan, turning off his alarm today would be his final dance lesson before departure for Nebula. He sat up stretching, rubbing his eyes while yawning, he was so tired he couldn't be asked to shave.

He got dressed rather lazily before walking into the office, noticing there was a cup of steaming tea on his desk and his papers neatly sorted. Anna was typing away when he glanced at her but then he just stared at his desk in surprise. She sorted out his overdue work.

"Good morning general, I made you some tea to wake you up," she said without looking away from the screen but smiling anyway. Hux tried to stop his smile in order to look professional, he was grateful, she cared for him so much he was didn't feel like he deserved it.

The general sat at his desk and sipped on the tea, it made him feel better. Hux didn't have a problem with his work, he was used to it, he was just wondering how today's dancing lesson would be like since the last 2 differed from each other so much in style.

His question was answered when Anna walked into his quarters, the same time as usual. "Good evening Anna," Hux said as he stood up to greet her. She nodded and walked in, unlike the last 2 lesson she was wearing her uniform. This lesson will surely be different, he thought.

She had the music box with her that she placed on a counter. She turned to look at the general "Let us begin then," she suggested. Hux bowed to her and held out his hand to her, like a true gentlemen. Anna shook her head "pretend you're dancing with someone, I need to assess your execution of the dance." Hux's eyes widened in surprise, yet he understood why she wanted to do that, so he just nodded.

He felt very stupid that he was pretending to hold a woman but no one except Anna was looking which was somewhat comforting but this didn't help his feeling of being degraded. The music kept playing, he danced to the rhythm perfectly, Anna observed, he was a fast learner. His steps were practically flawless.

When he finished, he bowed to his imaginary partner, Anna clapped from where she was standing. "The only advice I would give is keep your chin up and relax your shoulders," she remarked "Apart from that it's flawless." The redhead smirked, he was pretty pleased with himself. "I guess this calls for a little celebration?" He suggested opening a bottle of red wine he bought recently. "And why is that?" She asked. "Well it only took 2 day to learn to waltz like a master, is that not something to celebrate?"
"I guess it is," she replied shyly. She sat on a black leather sofa Hux had in his quarters, she didn't really want to drink in front of him. She considered it unprofessional even though she drank with him at the lower's party, that was a different situation to this one. Drinking at parties felt more appropriate.

The general strode over with 2 wine glasses, handing one to her, that she hesitantly accepted. She noticed the general liked drinking wine, he always had one when she was around after hours, yet she barely touched her wine.

The general sighed "This wine is good," he commented before glancing over at Anna "is it not to your liking?"
"It's not that," she replied "I just don't drink outside of parties." She swirled the wine inside the glass, staring at it. The taste was all too familiar, Nebulan wine, her parents used to compliment its makers a lot, after they died she was disgusted to taste it even if it's top quality because it reminded her of them.

The crimson wine her parents praised so much reminded her of all the blood she saw that day, their blood. Everywhere, on her clothes, hands, floor, everything was stained in the colour of this wine. When they died and she couldn't let it go, even though she knew she had to move on, the memory haunted her.

Hux eyed her curiously, she looked deep in thought but she also looked like she was longing for something or someone. Anna soon realised she must look depressed and as if on command changed her expression to a smile before taking a sip of the wine, even if it disgusted her on the inside. "Nebulan wine I'm guessing," she glanced at him faking a smile. "Precisely, you must know your wines, I'm impressed," he smiled.

He started thinking about her from his usual curiosity about her, her expression changed in an instant. What was she thinking about that made such a woman, that Hux considered flawless, look so weak? She was hiding something from him, something was sitting in her head that she desperately tried to hide. It had something to do with the wine, that's all he knew.

On the other hand, Anna tried to relax a little, she admired that the king of stress next to her seemed to relax so easily. His face seemed a little red, she thought he must be tipsy from the wine, it had quite the kick to it. He smiled leaning into the sofa before looking at her, his pupils were dilated which gave her a bad feeling.

"Well Hux it was very nice and all but I better go," she stated getting up from the sofa. Hux held her by her wrist and before she could speak, she was against a wall.

He began kissing her and she couldn't protest, she was paralysed from shock, she didn't know what was going on. When she regained herself she didn't want to move because she loved him for a while now. She thought about it before and now this feeling hit her like a shot to the heart now when earlier it was a mere spark that she wouldn't let grow, because of her work but she knew that he knew that she cared for him.

His kisses weren't in anyway out of pure lust, or at least it didn't feel like it, it actually felt like pure emotion from the general. His younger soon found a way into her mouth, exploring every inch of it with occasional gasps for air.

She felt stupid for letting him do this to her in his drunken state but she couldn't stop him without hurting him. She can't bring herself to physically hurt him, even if she knew she was being selfish for letting him continue.

His kisses found his way down her neck while he began unbuttoning her uniform jacket. She let out a sigh from the pleasure, intertwining her fingers into his fiery locks, urging him to continue while cursing herself for not being able to to resist him.

Before she knew it her jacket was pooling by her legs, her tank top about to follow as Hux was trying to get it off her. She knew he completely lost his mind from the alcohol but he was playing all the right cards on her. The general soon found the sweet spot on her neck which he abused, causing her to let out a soft, quiet moan.

He skilfully got her tank top off her and began assaulting her breasts. Her moans became more frequent from the act. Hux smirked and lowered himself to be level with her nipples that hardened from the ships cold air.

He nibbled on one of them making the grip on his hair stronger as she tugged it. Hux let out a chuckle before continuing his masterpiece.

He soon picket her up bridal style and layer her on his bed, allowing his clothes to drop to the floor, before her's followed.

The general smirked and lowered himself to her.

A/N: cliffhanger! Sorry not sorry XD the next chapter will continue this.... so wait for it, you must.

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