Chapter 9: back to normal

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Anna only got around 6 hours of sleep but she felt alive. That party did her some good, she relaxed. This was supposed to be the day everything went back to normal.

She was in the office early, when she saw the general enter she was shocked, he looked terrible. He looked like he hasn't shaved and his hair was very messy, this was so unlike him. "General?" She said causing him to look up at her with his tired eyes. "Yes?" He replied blankly. "Are you alright?" He decided not to lie "No I haven't slept last night, I was working." He pinched the bridge of his nose he was exhausted and he was letting his perfect composure go, she must think lowly of me now he thought. "Go sleep then, I'll do your work," she stated calmly looking at the screen in front of her, his eyes widened. What the hell did she just say?! Do my work? "You can't possibly..." but he was cut off by her "Go sleep sir, you're not functioning and that's not good for the's also not good for you." She actually looked at him while saying that last part, she did admire his grit and commitment towards his job but he couldn't go on like this, he had to be in tip top shape to lead and, right now, he wasn't. He'd break eventually, he's human after all.

Hux was shocked, did she care for him or was she just thinking about the First Order? She opened the back door of the office to the corridor between their quarters and gestured him to go first. He groaned and obliged walking quickly past her so she doesn't see him in this weak state any longer.

The doors to his quarters slid open, he walked in and took his jacket off his shoulders, putting it on a chair. "Do you require anything before I leave sir?" She asked with her hands behind her back, and an impeccable posture. "No thank you, and please call me Hux," he stated.
"Apologies Hux, force of habit," she replied a bit embarrassed. "Let me know if you need anything from me," she smiled before walking out.

Hux watched her leave, already falling asleep but he swore he saw her smile before leaving.

Hux woke up, around 1700 hours-ish, to the smell of tea filling the room. He saw it on his nightstand, still steaming, with a note.

Afternoon General,

Thought you would like to have some hot tea when you wake up so I brewed you one when I had the chance. Hope you slept well and just so you're aware your work for today and half of tomorrow's is done.

Signed Anna-Maria Cromwell

Hux appreciated her gesture, she was good at reading people and he could only respect that, it was a valuable skill. He wasn't used to these kind of gestures but he certainly didn't not like it, in fact he loved it. He scratched his slowly growing beard and sat up to drink the tea. It was hot, he imagined Anna was here not too long ago but how did she know when he'd wake up to make sure it stayed hot when he woke up?

He sipped on the tea and checked his data pad, out of habit. His work load was indeed done, this woman always seems to exceed his expectations, as an assistant that is. This pleased him.

Hux just noticed he fell asleep in his uniform, as much work as he had, he never did this. He didn't even notice the clock strike 2000 hours and there was a knock on the door, he just sat on his bed so long thinking. He knew what this meant and got up, making his way over to the door.

It was just the woman that was on his mind, she was still in full uniform. She must've had a busy day because of me he thought, mentally cursing himself for letting this happen.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked coming in to his quarters. "Better, thank you," he replied trying to look more composed. She gave him a small smile while going into his dining area to grab a chair. Hux realised how scruffy he looked, again, mentally cursing himself.

Anna sat down and started playing soft notes on her guitar in hopes of relaxation. The music filled the room unfortunately, much to Hux's disappointment, she wasn't singing, but he recognised the notes to the lullaby they, both, mysteriously knew. He felt the absence of a voice was a bit awkward, he didn't even notice he started singing the lyrics to the music she produced.

Hux's soft, deep, singing voice filled the room accompanied by her guitar. Anna liked the sound of his voice, she didn't know he could sing. His voice was so soothing it almost lulled her into relaxation. She allowed herself to close her eyes and smile, yet her fingers still played the music naturally.

As soon as Hux noticed he was singing, which took a while, he stopped himself -out of embarrassment. Anna opened her eyes and looked at him. "I apologise," he said trying to hide his embarrassment. "Why did you stop?" She enquired "You're a good singer."

Now he was really embarrassed, concealing a blush was close to impossible but Hux being, the king of hiding emotions, managed it. He just thanked her for the compliment but avoided her question.

Anna took that as a subject he didn't wish to discuss, therefore, she didn't press him on it. "Thank you for my tea, by the way," he stated hoping to change the topic. "No problem, I thought you'd want one," she smirked. She knew him so well yet he knew nothing about her.

Anna noticed it was getting late and that she should probably go, but she wasn't tired. When she wasn't tired she'd go to do some training and the general knew this. "You're going to train aren't you?" He asked seeing her eyes looking as if she's wide awake. She nodded, "I should probably get going then," she pointed out while getting up from her seat. "Mind if I join?" She turned around in utter surprise, the general wanted to join her? Why? She was confused yet she only nodded gesturing for him to follow her.

She didn't doubt he knew where the spy gym was but she just thought she'd better check if anyone was there, even if the force told her there wasn't.

She walked in and shrug off her jacket, letting it fall onto the floor by the door. Hux followed her, he'd only been here once before but then he didn't really pay attention to the gym much. It was very unique, there were training droids with swords and little moving targets for shooting practice. He had no idea why there were droids with swords but he remembered how Anna trained, with a sword.

"Shall we get started then?" she suggested with her hands crossed in front of her chest.

A/N: I can already imagine Hux like after training...sorry got carried away there 😋

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