Chapter 22: it's treason then

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A/N: do you like the reference (sorrynotsorry)

Anna woke up and knew today was going to be different. She got up with a groan, with a gut feeling that today was the day her Force vision would come true. Yet she walked into the office as soon as she was ready to begin work.

(Spoilers for last Jedi beyond this point in the fanfic, you have been warned.)

Hux was already there, unsurprisingly with a cup of tea and a freshly brewed cup on Anna's desk. "Thank you," she smiled as she sat down, she didn't need to say what it was for, he knew.

"Just to let you know, Anna, we tracked down the rest of the Resistance. They're evacuating and this is the best time to end them," Hux explained. "I'm looking forward to it," she replied in a cold, almost deadly, tone. Hux sipped on his tea before standing up, "I'm sorry but I must go to the bridge, their Cruiser ship needs dealing with. I trust I can leave you to work here for today?" He asked.
"Of course, you go end them once and for all," she answered and with that the General left.

Hux was on the bridge observing the Resistance cruiser that, after their last jump to Hyper-speed, was running dangerously low on fuel. The Resistance was too weak to get away now so all they had to do was wait.

In the meantime, Anna was in the office working and delivering papers. Something felt off though, she didn't know if it was something to do with them being close to General Leia Organa, because the Force was strong with her, but something felt off in the Force. It especially consisted of Kylo Ren's conflicted emotions, but there's nothing she could do about it right now than wait and see what'll happen.

~~Le Time Skip to Finn and Rose trying to destroy the tracker~~

Anna sensed the stormtrooper traitor on board the Finalizer and was currently running to find Captain Phasma. She managed to catch up with her by the army barracks. "Captain!" She spoke catching the chrome-armoured troopers attention, "The traitor along with two others are trying to destroy the Hyper-space tracker!" She warned stopping in front of the tall solider. "Are you sure Commander?" Phasma enquired to which Anna nodded. "You there!" Phasma shouted pointing at a group of stormtroopers, "Come with me to the Hyper-space tracker we have intruders!" She commanded already making her way there.

Anna still felt like there was something wrong, she sensed a strong presence of the light side of the Force but the one emitting it was unfamiliar. She sighed, she couldn't meditate on this presence or this disturbance in the Force, it annoyed her. All she could do was work and be patient, she knew this would play out in her favour.

Finn and Rose were soon on their knees in front of the General of the First Order. "Execute them!" He ordered coldly before walking back to the bridge.


Rey's pod landed in the Finalizers hangar without a problem. She opened her deep chocolate eyes and scanned the area when she noticed Kylo Ren in front of her. To her surprise he turned around and walked away leaving some stormtroopers to put her in handcuffs and escort her to him.

They entered a lift, Rey already figured out that he was taking her to Snoke. "You don't have to do this," she turned to him "I feel the conflict in you, it's tearing you apart." They looked at each other for a while, before the lift door opened and Ren grabbed Rey's arm pulling her into the crimson thrown room.

Ren kneeled before his master as he spoke (I don't remember how this scene went so it won't be exact) Snoke took Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber from Rey and put it on his arm-rest. "Come closer," he said and she refused, staying perfectly still. Suddenly, he used to Force to make her come closer. "I said come closer!" He complained angrily. "You'll give me the map to Skywalker!" He demander and she just gave him a death stare.

Snoke grew sick and tired of her and manipulated the Force to hold her in the air almost choking her, torturing her organs. Ren watched with disgust and anger, he knew what he had to do. Ren turned the lightsaber on Snoke's arm-rest and ignited it slicing the Supreme Leader in half. It flew into Rey's hand as she got up locking eyes with him as he ignited his lightsaber. Snoke's guards were about to attack them, they had to fight.


Anna was running to the thrown room, she knew what happened, a powerful weirder of the Force died, Snoke. That person with the light side of the Force must've been the scavenger she heard about.

She got to the lift and by the time she got there, the fight was over, Rey was gone and Ren was on the floor unconscious. She panted from running, her mind racing trying to process what happened. She could see Rey's escape pod in the distance, there was nothing she could do about her now.

She glared at Ren, she sensed his conflict in the Force was stronger. She knew he was redeemable now.

She knew what she had to do for the good of the Order so she summoned Ren's lightsaber into her hand and ignited it. She stabbed it into Kylo Ren's chest, killing him for the sake of the First Order's success. (Sorry Kylo Ren fans)

Hux walked into the mess that was the thrown room just as the lightsaber in Anna's hand turned off. "What happened?" He asked as Anna turned around. "Ren killed Snoke, the scavenger got away and now Kylo Ren is dead," she answered.

Hux was shocked, he hated Ren and wished he died sooner but now there was no Supreme Leader, what was the point of the Order now? "We have no ruler!" He stated. Anna shook her head and handed the General, Ren's lightsaber. "Armitage you are the new Supreme Leader, you tried to stop Ren from killing Snoke but could not and had no choice but to execute him for his crime as he helped the scavenger escape," she announced.
"Anna, I...I can't do that, I can't take credit for killing Ren if you saved the Order from destruction," he stuttered which was rare for him. "You can and you will," she replied curling his fingers around the saber. "For the Order," she concluded.

Hux looked eyes with her, she was giving him the glory that she deserved. He will take it for the Order.

He will become the Emperor of the First Order.

A/N: dun dUn DUNNNNNNN!!! A lot has happened here phew.... managed to choke that out into the fanfic. I've had this planned from the beginning, don't worry 2 more chapters to go before I'm done 😉

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