Chapter 3: extra work

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Due to the new position Anna has acquired in the Order, she had to be by the general's side around the clock, that also meant being close during her free time. All of this meant Anna was getting new living quarters, right next to the general's.

Great the man who stresses me most! Life can't get any worse.

Some of her spies were helping her move her belongings to her new quarters. It took forever but it had to be done.

She walked into her new quarters, they was definitely bigger than her previous. She had her own kitchen and dining area, she paused, great this must mean I won't eat in the cafeteria! She thought.

She walked over to the walk in wardrobe she now owned and put her keyboard and guitar in it praying no one will find it. She acquired these instruments from home and would occasionally play songs for her spies to boost morale or just for pure pleasure, their well-being was important to her.Her attention caught a door that when opened led to a corridor which had one door directly in front of her and one down to the right.

She was lost in her curious thoughts as to where the doors lead when Hux came out of the door directly in front of her. "Cromwell," his voice snapped her out of her thought bubble. She glanced at him then lowered her head apologising to him. He raised an eyebrow "Were you not informed about this corridor?"
"No sir" she replied, who would've informed her if she had to find these quarters by herself anyways. He sighed, "this door leads to my quarters in case I need you outside of working hours and the other is the office, since you're my new assistant, you will now work in my office, understood?" He spoke calmly giving her his patience, odd, everyone said he doesn't care about anyone. Anna nodded, thanked him and walked back into her room, shutting the door behind her.

Bloody hell I can't get away from him at all! She sighed, it's not like she doesn't like the general he just stresses her the hell out and his constant presence would add to her now doubled stress. She kept telling herself "it's all for them, you can do this" to keep herself from going insane.

Anna decided to go to the cafeteria for lunch that day anyway, she didn't care if she was expected not to. Although, she knew the general wouldn't be pleased with this, but she knew he wouldn't recognise her if she went in a disguise, obviously. Remembering how the other day he didn't recognise her in the corridor,when she came back from a mission, she took that as a good sign and possibly a good disguise to pull off.

She replaced her First Order uniform jacket to her black leather one and began to do her hair in a ponytail. The little strip of hair by her right eye was never intentional but it would never go into the ponytail no matter how hard she tried, what a bother... She thought but she's learnt how to deal with it by now. She took her scarf and put it on shielding her nose and mouth, just until she got to the cafeteria.

She was cautious walking down the hallway just in case a certain general was around. Instead she bumped into the knight of Ren himself. He glared at her "Watch it!"
"Apologies Ren, won't happen again" she replied. At this point Kylo Ren recognises her voice and smirked "Hiding from general Gingerbread?" He asked with a hint of tease in his voice. Anna nodded, giving him an annoyed look, he didn't need to read her mind to know how the general made her feel, they gossiped about the general a lot and Kylo Ren knew how he made her feel. He walked past her, as if nothing happened, which made Anna just shrug it off and kept going to her destination.

She sat with her main spy squadron (the same that Hux saw her with) and explained the situation. Her cousin Alex suggested he became the commander and spare her the torture, but she only declared she'll think about it.

During the meal one of the spies pointed out the general was here. Anna let out an annoyed groan, wondering what he wants in the cafeteria when he was never seen here before. She made brief eye contact with him, staring into his soul, kind of. She was actually trying to read his mind, she was, in fact, force sensitive and was, indeed, very strong with it but no one knew. Not Kylo Ren, Not Supreme Leader Snoke, not Hux and not even her spies except for this squadron.

He came here looking for spies? Why the hell does he need spies? Hux walked over to their table, but before he could fully make his way there, Anna excused herself for good reason. Just to avoid him.

The general stood tall, having a brief conversation with the spies about Anna herself, actually. She was behind a near by vending machine, eavesdropping but she couldn't make out much of it, it was too noisy with other people's conversations going on nearby. She saw Alex give her a small nod indicating the general was distracted. She nodded and snuck out of the cafeteria to her quarters, swiftly, without a sound, like a true spy master.

She took off her jacket and scarf, letting her hair loose on her shoulders, too. She draped it over a chair and decided to do up some reports for her spies on her data pad, instead of going to the office. She didn't start her new position until tomorrow and thank force for that.

She managed to finish 5 reports before the clock struck 2245 hours, so she decided to get some sleep before being brought to the kingdom of stress the following day, this kingdom was run by no other than general Hux the king of stress. With a chuckle at the made up title she fell asleep.

A/N: don't get me wrong Anna admires Hux as a leader he just stresses her the hell out like everyone else but she'll have to deal with it XD anyway enjoy chapter 3. I think I rushed this job position change a bit but I'm just gonna roll with it. I'll lace it down I swear!

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