Chapter 21: sorting things out

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The General and his assistant managed to get back to the Finalizer safely. Kylo Ren was there too, apparently on Snoke's orders. Anna grew cautious, she sensed Ren had some specific orders from Snoke and her recent Force visions confirmed this.

She sensed conflict in him, conflict that was unacceptable for the success of the First Order. She decided to see how things would play out, she wanted to conserve her energy, she had to protect Hux's mind and be ready for anything that was going to happen.

Currently, it was around 1900 hours and Anna was off her shift, meditating in her quarters. Hux walked in, he didn't seem to disturb her concentration as she sat on the floor cross legged, eyes closed.

Anna opened her eyes and let out a sigh alerting the redhead of her awareness of what's going on around her. "Not a good time?" Hux asked while leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "Not at all, you know you're always welcome Armitage," she replied looking at him with a smile. He walked into the room just enough to let the door close."I wanted to talk to you, about..." he paused "us."

Anna knew this talk would come very soon but due to her recent visions she decided to deal with it when it came and now, it did. She got up and walked over to him, smiling sweetly. "Of course, I'm all ears," she said. He didn't realise that he subconsciously snaked his arms around her waist before he spoke, "I was wondering if..." he paused again, this was embarrassing, his cheeks reddening at the very thought of asking, "if you have feelings for me? Because, I love you."

His face was completely red now as a brief silence came between them, which felt like hours to Hux. Suddenly, a hand caressed his cheek, "you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to tell me," she confessed, "I love you too, very much." She gave him a chaste kiss on his flushed lips.

Hux stood there, quite shy and embarrassed, a very unusual sight for anyone but Anna. "So does this mean, we're together now?" He asked his tune almost nervous. Anna allowed herself a little chuckle "Yes, but only if you want to," she said seeming very calm but Hux could see it in her eyes, love and nerves beyond measure. "How is this even a question? You know my answer," he smirked before capturing her lips in a kiss that was a little more heated and passionate than her's.

"Well I guess I'll take my leave to sleep it's getting pretty late," the redhead stated looking at the clock by Anna's bedside cabinet. "Yes," She said. "you should get some rest, the Finalizer isn't nearly as relaxing as Nebula," she joked. Hux smirked and with that Hux left, letting Anna collapse onto her bed from exhaustion.

The next day Anna was having lunch with her cousin and the spies, in her usual disguise. "So..." Alex began "How's your secret love life with General Gingerbread?" Those words made Anna choke on her food. "Excuse me?" She spat out looking confused and horrified at the question. "Come on don't hide it, we saw you walking with him around the capital on Nebula," he said. "Without guards," he whispered, smirking. "I have no idea what you're talking about," she replied rather coldly with a perfect poker face.

Alex kept his stupid smirk on his face along with the other spies on the table. There was another guy sitting next to Anna with amber eyes and fiery brown hair which was midway down his neck, and his nickname was Cody. "I'm sure our commander knows what she's doing, and even if she did end up with Gingerbread, that is none of our business," he stated glaring at his peers.

Cody was one of the finest Royal guards on Nebula, who was asked to work on the Finalizer with the spies so he could guard their Queen. He was her guard since her parents were alive, granted back then he was the apprentice of her guard because he's only 6 years older than her, so he was a bit of a big brother figure to her.

"Alright Cody don't get so defensive over my cuz, I'm just teasing," Alex stated as he held his hands up in a defensive manner, "Besides we all know Gingerbread has a thing for her it's written all over his face." Anna rolled her eyes at the statement but Cody seemed uneasy. "You should really have more respect for your monarchy Alex, since you're not related by blood," Cody pointed out before putting some more soup in his mouth. "Chill out Mr. I-am-the-code-of-conduct, I do respect her but you as well as I, as well as all of us, know she doesn't want to be treated like Royalty. Besides it was only a little joke," Alex said almost loosing his temper.

Anna sat there in silence but she was having quite enough, she knew she had to do something before she ended up Force choking one of them. "Enough you 2! I've had it up to here with your arguing, can we please change the subject before this gets physical?" She half asked half ordered, with that the 2 quit, bringing peace to the table and to Anna.

From there lunch went smoothly, all the spies told stories of seeing their families and old friends. This made her happy, she felt rather guilty for taking them away from everything they had at home but hearing they enjoyed it was somehow comforting. She didn't really share her stay on Nebula, they all knew roughly how it looked like but all the interesting parts, she kept to herself for obvious reasons.

Hux walked up to the spy table in the canteen, making the whole table go silent, which made Anna visibly confused, as they lowered their heads and looked at their food. "Commander, just thought I'd remind you that the report is due in after lunch," the General said trying to look cold but his eyes told otherwise. "Yes General but I left it on your desk before lunch, it is finished," she answered looking calm as ever. Hux's eyes widened but he soon regained his perfect composure. "My apologies Commander, I shall look for it now," and with that he walked away.

The spies were wide eyed, either jaw dropped or chocking on their food. One spy with jet black hair spoke up, "did you bang him or something?!"
"MAXWELL!" Alex and Cody practically yelled at him furiously. "He apologised to her! Don't tell me you're not surprised," he pointed out almost standing up to prove his point. After the two's emotions calmed down they've just realised what happened. "Bloody hell, your right," Alex admitted, "How is this possible?"
Cody gave it a thought, "Gingerbread must really like you to give you an actual apology," he concluded.

Anna just eye rolled and wanted nothing more than her shift to end that day, for the sake of her mental stability with her spies.

A/N: Alright another chapter done, how was it? Feel free to comment I'd love some feedback. So... they're officially an item now...😏 I'll leave that there.

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