Chapter 8: party?

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It was lunch time, about a month after the first time Anna started preforming music for Hux. They kept it as a daily thing since they both seemed enjoyed it.

"Anna have you heard? There's a party tonight!" Said Alex while stuffing his mouth with food. She glanced over at him through her disguise "Looks like we're getting wasted tonight!" She whisper screamed. They high-fived each other, already looking forward to it. Alex mentioned that the party will take place at the Finalizer's bar, it was another lower rank military party but Anna thought they're the best, we'll better than the stuck up higher rank parties.

Anna gave her squadron a smirk before leaving, raising the top of her scarf to her nose so the higher ups don't recognise her.

She bumped into Kylo Ren in the hallway. It turned out he also knew about the party but, apparently, he wasn't going, he also mentioned he let General Gingerbread know she's clocking out at 1700 hours instead of 1900 hours. She was grateful, she knew Ren since she was born so she noticed that he was a lot nicer to her than anyone else. She liked that special treatment, at least she was safe.

She went back to her room and changed to her regular uniform, she was exited for tonight before making her way back to the office after lunch. Hux was finishing his lunch at the office, he also heard about the lower's military party and wasn't surprised when Ren came in saying Anna will clock out early.

Anna walked in trying to contain her excitement, she sat at her desk and continued working. Hux said his goodbye to her when she went to clock out but she didn't know what he was planning.

Anna, herself, was considered a higher up but she didn't really care the lowers liked her as she was always the life of the party. She left her uniform jacket in her quarters and headed for the bar.

She saw the party was already pretty wild, everyone drinking and dancing to the music played by a group of stormtroopers. As soon as she walked in everyone cheered, Anna immediately went to the bar to get a beer.

Alex came up to her and gave her glass a clink with his own. He challenged her to a drinking competition, and Anna knew he was making a mistake but she thought Oh you're on!

The bar tender laid out rows of shots for their little (huge) drinking showdown. Everyone was around the table, chanting drink off! Anna leaned against the table with a confident smirk on her face, Alex tried to copy this but didn't look nearly as confident.

Hux was there, he used brown temporary hair dye, his father gave him when he was young that he never used, his hair and uniform both messy so he didn't look like himself. He saw Anna's confidence, he saw a completely different side of her, this just made him even more curious.

When the bartender yelled "Go!" The showdown began. The two spies downed one shot after another so many times Hux lost count of how much they were on.

Alex couldn't manage after 3/4 of the way through and Anna just kept going. She definitely lied to Hux, she loves drinking and it takes, almost, a deadly amount of alcohol to get her drunk. Anna kept downing the shots until the end of the table, knowing she won she gave everyone a bow and fist pumped the air. The whole room chanted her name as she patted Alex on the back smirking.

"I forgot," he said looking up at her, he forgot how well she could drink, she patted him again replying "I know."

Practically everyone was drunk by this point, most people were on the dance floor but Anna stood the wall with a pint of beer. She noticed a brunette come up to her, even looking like this she knew it was Hux. She saw him looking slightly scruffy before, unlike the others, so she could tell. He had a glass of gin in his hand and stood next to her.

"Impressive," he said casually "And there I was thinking you don't drink." He smirked at her and she just looked down at her beer. "I don't drink often sir," she replied to his comment, this was kind of true. "You're quite the drinker, I'm impressed," he sipped on his gin, Anna glanced at him, she still wasn't used to his compliments. She just remembered that he's literally the top leader on this ship, the highest of the higher ups and he's here. "What are you doing here anyway? This is a lowers party," she asked, she was very curious, she didn't see Hux as much of a party kind of guy."Ren told me you'd be here, he said you're the life of any lowers party and I didn't believe him. Something wrong with that?" She shook her head. Although she wondered why he was so interested as to what's happening to her.

Around 2300 hours, Hux decided to help Anna take her drunken cousin to his quarters. No one recognised him, he was pretty pleased with that. He helped Anna lay Alex on his bed, that guy was completely wasted. He was out cold at this point. "Quite a handful isn't he?" Hux joked. "Watch it Hux, he's my cousin," she smirked. "Watch it Anna, I'm your boss," he had a come back to her and that amused her slightly. She never heard Hux joke around, she saw more and more of his relaxed personality in private and she liked it. In a way it made him an even more admirable leader because he can completely cut off his real self in the work place.

"Thanks, by the way," Anna said as they walked to their quarters. "What for?" Hux asked raising an eyebrow. "For helping me with Alex, thanks," she shoved her hands in her pockets, she looked really relaxed. "That wasn't a problem, no need for thanks, anyway are you hungry?"
"A bit, why?" She glanced over at him.
"Because I am and I don't like eating alone much," he replied. She shrugged her shoulders, "sure why not." She, then, walked with him to his quarters.

The door slid open, Hux gestured for her to go in first. She obliged, her attention was immediately caught the bottle of dye on the table, she examined it in her hand. Hux smirked, "Is my hair not to your liking?" She chuckled and looked at him "I prefer your red hair personally." She threw the bottle in the bin at the other end of the room, getting it in with ease.

Hux went to his kitchen and started cooking a quick meal. Anna glanced over his shoulder "I didn't know you could cook." Hux noticed she was far more relaxed and informal, he figured even if she wasn't drunk, the alcohol definitely made her relax more. Hux smirked at her comment and continued cooking.

Anna decided to accompany Hux's cooking with music. She brought her guitar from her quarters, sat on his king size black bed and began playing. (Demons by imagine dragons coz why not.) Hux knew he would love to live like this everyday. He admired his assistant for her large amount of skills and how she kept her spies disciplined.

He placed 2 plates on the dining table, he cooked some noodles with vegetables. Anna put down her guitar and walked over, the noodles smelled and looked delicious.

Hux started to get the feeling he was seeing the real Anna, the same one that's with her spies and not his assistant or the Anna he sees when they're alone, as even in private with him she's extremely formal. He wanted to see more of this side of her, it drove his curiosity wild. Her character seemed so complex to him and he still knew little to nothing about her. He doesn't know the basic things about her like where she's from, who her parents were, how she ended up here.

Even with her this relaxed she still didn't answer questions about her past over dinner. He figured she didn't tell anyone about that unless they knew saw her life first hand at the time. He ate his noodles and occasionally glanced at her to see her reaction to the food. "This food so good!" Hux tried to contain a smile, he never really cooked for anyone else before. "Thank you."

Before he knew it, time flew by, it was 0100 hours and Anna was making her way to the door with her guitar. "Anna..." Hux said just as she was about to walk out "could you play something tomorrow?"
"Of course," she said with a smile while walking out. Hux wondered if the fact that alcohol relaxes her this much is why she refused it, the time he offered it to her.

His curiosity about this girl grew more every time he saw her but he barely scratched the tip of the iceberg.

A/N: 1422 words!! This will be one of the longest chapters...maybe. They're starting to get close but that's only because Anna was slightly tipsy

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