Chapter 14: traveling takes time

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Hux sat down next to Anna observing her, noticing the little details on her that showed she was tense. The signs that would go by unnoticed by others.

Anna tried to keep her breaths even, she had no intention of explaining anything about her and Nebula, or her feelings towards Hux. As soon as she considered that he might actually ask about it, because of 'the incident,' her heart started pounding, as if it wasn't doing so already.

All she heard him ask in the end was "Poker?" Which made her look at him in confusion. Hux got out a pack of cards, "Would you like to play poker to calm your nerves?" He asked, teasing her slightly while already starting to shuffle them. Anna simply nodded, though, she hated herself for showing any sign of there being anything wrong. Hux was extremely good at reading people, especially without the force,  which was impressive to her.

She kept her book on her lap as she slid the coffee table in front of them. Hux was still shuffling the cards between his fingers before dealing them out swiftly. Anna picked up her cards, leaning back into the sofa crossing her right leg over her left.

Hux picked up his deal of cards as he relaxed on the other side of the sofa. They didn't play it for gambling, just to pass time. It just so happened they played until 0400 hours and, overall, Anna won most games (without cheating, aka using the force.)

After their last game finished Hux stretched his arms out, letting out a satisfied groan. "Go and sleep, you look tired," Anna said, seeing Hux trying desperately to keep his eyes open a little longer. "What about you? You look tired too but, you won't go to sleep, I can tell," he smirked, knowing he was right but also to try and hide his concern for her.

Hux found that treating her with more respect, than the others, made him care for her, in a way. He never felt this towards anyone so he couldn't explain it, he admired her, of course, but also cared for her and always had her on his mind. He wished he didn't get so drunk last night, he would've remembered what happened between them. He craved desperately to know how her lips felt against his, how she tasted. He was willing to bet that her taste was as intoxicating as her smell of roses and vanilla. He cursed himself for thinking that when she was right in front of him, sharing a room with him but sometimes he couldn't help it. He mentally prayed she wouldn't notice.

"I promise I'll try to get some sleep Hux, no need to give me 'special treatment'," she teased and Hux couldn't help but to blush, ever so slightly, making Anna chuckled, "I'm just teasing, relax." Hux laughed it off, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. "Alright, alright, good night Spy Master," he said getting up before walking over to his bed.

Anna soon felt Hux's Force signature become less tense, he was asleep. This, somehow, put her at ease and now she could at least try and sleep with a clear conscience. It actually worked, she fell asleep clinging onto her book in her hands. This book felt like her life, for sentimental reasons.

Anna's eyes flickered open, upon waking up she heard someone cursing in the kitchen and some sizzling coming from, what she presumed, was a frying pan. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and running her fingers through her messy bed hair.

Hux cursed again from the kitchen, not realising Anna was now standing by the counter. "Good morning sir," she said, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. The redhead turned out of surprise, almost burning himself with the frying pan again. "Ah! Good morning Anna. How many times do I need to remind you, you can call me Hux when we're alone," he said. Hux was a good cook but today he was a little tense, a little distracted more accurately saying, which affected his cooking.

"Sorry Hux" she said emphasising his surname, "what can I say? Old habits die hard," she chuckled. "I made breakfast, pancakes?" He offered. "You better put that arm under some cold water right now and yes please," she said getting out plates for them. "We'll be landing quite soon so eat up," He half ordered and half suggested.

Anna sat down with her pancakes. Nebula's north moon she thought, I haven't been there since I left Nebula. She was deep in thought during breakfast, a little stressed but a little excited to be back in a familiar surrounding.

After breakfast the two of them started changing to their winter uniform, ready to land on the icy moon. The ship could land at any moment so they had to be ready.

The general was soon informed of the ship getting caught in a snow storm, they were going in for quite a rough landing.

A/N: ok, this chapter is done, I decided to try and clear up Hux's feelings a bit and I hope it sort of fits his character. BTW the next chapter will take longer since I'm working on a drawing (a terrible one knowing me) of Anna in relation to the next chapter. I won't to be able to work on it since I'll be away so expect the next chapter in about 5 weeks sorry. T^T

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