Chapter 16: recovery

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Hux felt his face burn from the intimacy of the moment and without thinking he kissed his assistant, as she was leaning over his arm. He didn't feel any signs of objection, in fact she returned the favour, giving him a soft kiss in return.

Hux sat up, as painful as it was, to make this easier. He didn't want to brake the kiss but in a laying down position, it would've been hard not to. Soon enough, he pulled away for oxygen and to look at Anna's face. She had a deep, crimson blush on her cheeks and a look of embarrassed mixed with self loathing. "I..." She stuttered, "I apologise." With that she sat on a stool nearby.

Hux felt his consciences start to slip away from the intense torture the pain was giving him, now that he wasn't distracted by Anna being so close to him. He closed his eyes not even managing to reply to his assistant about the kiss.

Hux was now helplessly stuck in his mind. (I like to believe people still think while unconscious) It was giving him flashbacks of Anna and her lightsaber, how she was defending him with her life when he was trying to defend her. He felt degraded, he's the general but isn't skilled at all in the field at all, he felt like everyone would loose all respect for him. Then he wondered why he was on the battlefield anyway, he always left it to the troops to fight, so why was he the first to jump into action now?

Of course he knew the answer, Anna's leadership style was having a good influence of him. She always put her life on the line for her spies and they did for her, their relationship is almost like family, and she's the first to jump into action or taking charge. His head began to hurt, even though he was unconscious, he thought he must've hit it on something and decided to rest there, for now. He needed it.

Time skip brought to u by DA FORCE BRUH

Hux was slowly regaining his consciousness. He felt something touching his hand, ever so gently, and something strange around him, not quite physical but also not quite surreal. He felt it flowing through him and around him and it was especially strong around Anna. He presumed he was feeling the Force but he had no idea why.

He opened his eyes, turning his head to look at his hand. Anna was holding it, sitting cross legged on the stool, eyes closed and focused. His hand flinched a little making her eyes fly open, "General!" She gasped, he smiled. She retracted her hand from his with a look of relief on her face before asking "Are you feeling alright?" Her concerned look from earlier, returning. "Yes, thank you," he replied, with that her expression looked relieved again.

It didn't take a genius to know Hux had a lot of questions, she sighed, she knew she had to answer them eventually but she wasn't ready yet. Hux sat up with some difficulty, he completely forgot about his wound. His pained groan got Anna's immediate attention as she helped him sit up properly.

Hux sighed feeling useless, "Thank you, again," he said. Anna sat back on the stool again, again cross legged. "Were you meditating?" He asked, she just nodded. "I really did feel the Force then," he mumbled missing the feeling in a way. He wasn't force sensitive whatsoever but feeling it was nice, he felt like it completed him in a way but he came to the conclusion that it was because Anna was there actually.

Anna allowed herself a smile, she was meditating in order to try to heal Hux or soothe  his pain a bit at least. He was so peaceful and she hoped it was because of her efforts. "I felt the Force, you, me, life, it was incredible," he admitted. His assistant looked down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers, she was happy. Not only was he alright but he felt how wonderful the Force is, how it flows everywhere, having the time to stop and admire it is rare but it is a luxury she gets to experience a lot.

She just hoped Hux would recover, some blaster wounds left life-long impacts so she was worried. Hux noticed the cuts on her arms and the holes in her jacket that was on the table behind her, she received a few scratches here and there but it was nothing major. Yet he was still worried, they might get infected. Again he found himself in the rare occasion that he'd actually care for others.

He knew if he asked her about them she would brush them off as nothing. He kind of admired her selflessness, to an extent.

Anna couldn't be asked to stand up, she was tired from the stress and hours of meditation she just went through, so she used the force to float 2 glasses of water to her. She handed one to the general who accepted it, still not used to the new ability he learned this incredible woman had.

Hux drank the water, it was rather refreshing, his arm felt a lot better and he wondered if it had anything to do with Anna's meditation. Then his eyes widened after putting the facts together, "You're a Jedi!" He yelled, it all made sense, her lightsaber wasn't red and she meditated like a Jedi, not to mention Force sensibility.

Anna had an expression of silent rage after hearing the accusation. "I'm no Jedi or Sith, I just know what I'm doing general," she replied coldly, she hated when people assumed she was 1 or the other. She was neither and that was final.

Hux noticed he struck a nerve, he had no idea why though. He took another sip of his water watching Anna's expression relax, her eyes becoming warmer and her clenched fists unraveling. "Sorry," he said sincerely, which made Anna look up at him. "Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have burst out like that"

At this point there was a silence, both were eager to change the topic. Hux remembered dreaming of kissing her while he was unconscious (it wasn't a dream bro XD) and he thought he had little to loose if he actually tried to, even a slap wouldn't bother him.

He swung his legs over to the edge of the medical bed and stood up shakily. Anna immediately rushed over to try and help him, Hux's smirk going unnoticed.

Now he took his chance, lifting her chin up and kissing her. It was soft and sweet and, much to Hux's surprise, she didn't slap him away. She leaned in and he could taste of honey tea in her mouth, he assumed she just had some. The kiss was soft and passionate, so enjoyable that he only pulled away from lack of air, after that he looked her in the eyes and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

He looked at her affectionately, her cheeks were flushed and pupils dilated. "Anna," he whispered under his breath. She quickly came to her senses before pulling away completely shocking him. "S...sorry," She stuttered.

She took an awkward step back, staring at the floor as she did so. Hux was speechless, eyes wide with lips slightly parted. "What?" He finally said, "why are you apologising to me?"
"Because I'm allowing myself to be unprofessional, it's unacceptable and absolutely degrading," she replied.

Hux was once again speechless, this woman somehow always managed to shock him in a way. "Don't apologise, I kissed you." He stated "and, I'd gladly do it again." Anna shook her head, taking another step back when he reached out to her. "you don't know anything about me and, believe me, you'd prefer it to stay that way."

A\N: does he though? Find out in next few chapters

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