Chapter 18: Nebula's Queen

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Before departure Hux was looking for Anna, yet she was nowhere to be found. He came across her spies but she was not with them either. "You!" Hux pointed, "where's Commander Cromwell?" His question was directed at Alex, who was told to not tell Hux anything.

Alex mentally cursed Anna for not telling him the truth but he'd have to think of a way to indirectly tell Hux that is the case. "She left for Nebula yesterday sir, she got an urgent call from a few spies situated there," he lied, Anna would owe him one for this. "I see, so she will join us there?" Hux asked coldly.
"Yes sir," replied Alex. Hux walked onto the ship ready for take off, he was quite enraged. How could Anna disobey his orders and work anyway? It didn't matter now, as he could only wait to get there to sort this out.

Time skip brought to you by "Now this is pod racing"

Hux's ship landed in Nebula's capital Laynore. Despite the planets extreme climate moons, the planet itself was very green and full of life. It was like a massive garden, although the buildings were very modern and industrial, there were so many flowers and trees.

Hux walked out, the air was fresh and the sights breathtaking. He strode up to the Palace, compared to the rest of the city it looked more grand and old fashioned. He assumed that after the war they had, after the previous monarchy died, they had to rebuild the whole planet but decided to honour the deceased by keeping the Palace the same.

The Royal guards marched over to escort him, they didn't look like he'd expected at all. They looked more like troops from the old Republic that were used in the Clone Wars. Hux only saw them in history books but seeing it up close was rather fascinating to him.

He followed the guards with his hands behind his back, as per usual. The spies where right behind him but there was still no sign of Anna.

As he made his was to the Palace it seemed to look more impressive close up. The guards opened the great front doors; the inside of the Palace looked even more astonishing on the inside than the outside. The pale pillars went down the large plaza-like room accompanied by accents of light grey decor.

Hux was admiring the architecture when one of the guards caught his attention as he spoke. "May I present, her majesty Queen Anna-Maria of Nebula." When he heard that Hux thought he heard him wrong but stood corrected when the Queen walked down the stairs in a faire beige dress.

It was in fact Anna walking down those stairs. The top of her beige dress resembled a Jedi's tunic but had skin tight sleeves and the bottom was just a flowing full-circle skirt, reacting to her every step. Her crown sat nicely on her forehead, fitting perfectly, accompanied with a light grey jewel in the middle of it.

Hux was speechless, he really didn't know anything about someone who considered was so close to him. When they met he had no idea she was the Spy Master, or Force sensitive, and he certainly wouldn't expect that she was a Queen, not to mention the Queen of the planet who was their most powerful ally.

The Queen stepped down the last 2 steps before being face to face with the redhead general. "It's a pleasure to see you got here safely this time general," she said with a gentle smile. "It's my pleasure to finally see you, Ann...your majesty" he corrected himself which seemed to amuse her. "Would you care to join me for a walk general?" She asked holding out her hand. Hux stepped forward, took her hand and bowed, bestowing a little kiss onto it, before leading her with him and allowing her to hold his arm.

As they walked through the many chambers of the Palace, Anna's smile seemed to fade. They walked in silence, when they reached a grand, well furnished room with instruments. "I assume you brought me here to dance? You said it's a tradition to dance with every high rank visiter," He asked in an unintentionally playful tone. "Only if you don't mind, I know you've taken a disliking to it, and I can let you off no one has to know" she answered with a smile.

After Hux arrived things seemed a little different, a little more awkward but a little less professional. He took her hand and held it as she put her other hand on his shoulder, his other one resting on the small of her back.

The music started playing with them swaying slowly to match its rhythm. "So is this what you meant by you said that I don't know anything about you?" Hux asked as they waltzed around the room. "Partly," she admitted "I just didn't want the whole order sucking up to me for their own filthy, selfish desires or give me their sympathy for what happened here to be 'friendly'."

She twirled, mesmerising Hux as her gown circled with her movements. When they met again Hux had more questions, "so you didn't want privileges?" She looked him in the eye as he asked her, "I don't expect you to understand, but if the Order knew I wouldn't be sent on missions and joining my men in action is a part of my leadership style," She partly explained. "Besides, I've had enough privileges in my life."

As the music began to fade and their dancing slowed down Hux spoke again, "you're wrong, I do understand, to an extent at least, from watching you work." Anna examined his face, he was sincere, and at that point she realised how different he was now from when she met him but it was a good type of change. "Care for a walk around the gardens? You seem bored of dancing," She asked teasing him slightly. Hux bowed and kissed her hand again. "It would be my pleasure, your highness," he replied, she chuckled as she tugged his arm and walked to the door.

Just before leaving she had one more thing to say, "enough with the formalities Hux. I'm Anna, you know that," she teased.

A/N: another chapter done! Phew these chapters are getting harder to write coz idk how to word what I'm thinking! Ugh...anyway there might be 1 or 2 more chapters on Nebula then they're back on the Finalizer.

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