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Seungmin POV

I was standing in an alley trying to get away from the people I stole from. I knew that they would hurt me.

But I had to steal, I didn't have any money.

No one would hire me because I lived on the street, they thought I was crazy or something. I don't know they probably thought I had some type of disease.

After 25 minutes of waiting and not hearing anything, I left and went to my 'home'. I live under a bridge by the highway because there is a cave in the side of the hill.

I slept terribly that night, just like all other nights.

I have one small meal a day, or even just a bottle of water. I was very skinny, you could see my bones through my thin shirt.

I am 18 years old and I have been living under this bridge since I was 13.

I still attend public school, but I only have one friend. His name is Jisung.

His parents don't like me because they think I am trouble. I only steal to live, I'm not trying to hurt anyone.

About once a week Jisung sneaks me into his house so that I can shower.

Jisung and I have been doing that for the past 5 years.

Hyunjin POV

I am Hwang Hyunjin, and I'm extremely rich. I live in a 4 story mansion and have about 20 maids.

But to be honest I wish I wasn't rich, I wish I could live a normal life.

That's why I forced my parents to let me go to public school. I don't really like public school but I think it is way better than some fancy ass private prep school.

I was on my home one day when I heard a scream come from a nearby alley. I ran to the scream. I found a kid probably the same age as me on the ground.

He was obviously in a lot of pain. There was a bloody knife next to him and I could see his leg bleeding really bad.

When I ran up to him I recognized him as Kim Seungmin, a guy that goes to my school.

He saw me and looked up at me with teary eyes.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Helping you." I said. I took off my shirt and ripped in to where I could wrap it around Seungmin's wound. I held out my hand to help him up.

"Why are you helping me, Hyunjin?" He asked.

"I'm not a monster, I can't just let you bleed to death." I said. He took my hand and I helped him up and then put his arm around my bare shoulder.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"I don't have a house Hyunjin...I live on the street." He said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know." I said.

"It's okay you seem to be pretty nice for a rich kid." He said and I smiled at him.

"Well let's go to my house and I can help you with that wound." I said.

"But what about your parents?" He asked.

"They are off on a trip to Thailand." I said.

"Oh, ok." He said. I helped him walk all the way to my house, well mansion.

"Holy shit, you house is giant." He said.

"I know.." I said not sure what to say. When we got to the door the maid opened it.

"Is everything alright, sir?" She asked seeing that I wasn't wearing a shirt and the guy beside me was bleeding. There was so much blood that it went through my shirt that I tied around it.

"" I said.

"What can we do?" She asked.

"Treat the wound on his leg please. He was stabbed in the leg." I said.

"Oh, of course sir." She said. I walked Seungmin to the bathroom and then our home nurse treated his wound. I went upstairs to put on a shirt. I could hear Seungmin moaning in pain and his cursing as they tried to help the wound. When I came back downstairs Seungmin was sitting on the couch with his leg on the foot rest.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I guess...I mean I'm not crying in pain anymore. Thanks for that." He said. I laughed a little.

"Anything for you, sweetheart." I said.


Thanks for reading!

Not bad for the first chapter, right?

So...Seungmin was apparently stabbed. Hyunjin saved him and now they are talking in Hyunjin's mansion. Will they become friends? Will Seungmin maybe even get to live somewhere that isn't the streets? What will Jisung think about what Hyunjin did?

Find out later....

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