passed out

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Seungmin POV

"Well Seungmin needs rest, don't you sweetheart?" Hyunjin said.

"No I don't feel that weak anymore. All of Stray Kids can only be together for 17 minutes so let's talk about something fun." I said.

"We can play never have I ever..." Jisung said.

"That sounds fun." Chan said.

"Ok does everyone know how to play?" Minho asked.

"No." Jeong In said.

"Ok well we all sit in a circle. And we have 5 points which are our fingers. One person will say something they have never done. And if you have done it then you put one finger down. And the last person left wins." Felix said.

We all sat in a circle around my bed and Changbin sat on the couch.

"Jisung you start." I said.

"Ok...never have I ever had sex with someone when I was drunk." He said.

Hyunjin and Chan were the only ones who put their finger down.

"Who did you do it with?" Minho asked Hyunjin.

"My ex girlfriend." Hyunjin said.

"What about you, Chan?" I asked.

"I did it with Jeong In when I was drunk. He wasn't drunk though." Chan said and Jeong In hit him on the arm.

"Ok Woojin it's your turn." Changbin said. He sounded weak.

"Never have I ever kissed a girl." He said.

Everyone put their finger down except for me and Woojin.

"Seungmin's first kiss was with me so he couldn't have ever kissed a girl." Hyunjin said proudly.

"Never have I ever had a dog." I said.

Only Woojin, Jisung and Hyunjin put down a finger.

"That was a boring question." Woojin said.

Then Changbin passed out. Felix ran over to him and immediately did CPR. He was barely breathing. He was exhausted.

"Call the doctor!" Felix said as he started to cry again. I felt so bad for him. The love of his life was dying right in front of his eyes. And it happened a lot.

I pressed the button that calls the doctor. "Hurry." I said.

"We will be there in a minute." She said.

We waited for a little bit before a doctor came in.

"Hello how may I hel-" She said but stopped when she saw Changbin.

"What happened?" She asked.

"He just passed out. He is supposed to be back in his room at 6."

"What room is he?" She asked.

"147." Felix said, he looked like he was on the verge of crying.

"Well let's take him back to his room and lay him on his bed." She said.

"Ok how do we get him there? Carry him?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yes actually." She said.

"Ok I'm his boyfriend I will carry him." Felix said.

"Someone get the pole so we don't pull out his IV." Minho said.

"Hyunjin will you stay with me?" I asked.

"Of course, sweetheart." He said.

Felix picked up Changbin's weak body and the doctor took the pole. 

They walked out of the room and everyone left except for Hyunjin and of course me.

"Do you think he will be okay?" I asked.

"Of course he will. He always pulls through." Hyunjin said. But I still saw fear in his eyes.

"You're right. I'm sure he will be fine." I said.

Hyunjin sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at him.

I leaned in and hugged him tightly. He pulled out of the hug and kissed me. This time more rough. He nibbled my bottom lip asking for entrance into my mouth. I let him in and his tongue explored the inside of my mouth.

I felt someone watching us and pulled away. My face turned bright red seeing that Minho and Jisung were standing in the doorway. Hyunjin just smiled.

"H-hey. Is Changbin okay?" I asked my face still bright red.

"Yeah. He just ran out of some of the medicine that was going into his IV. And it caused him to lose contiousness." Jisung said.

"But I think we itterupted something important. Do you want us to leave?" Minho said with a big smirk on his face.

Hyunjin glared at him. "You can stay. And just like Felix said. Knock." He said.

"Well usually when I make put with Jisung we are alone in my apartment. So no one can walk in on us." Minho said and it made Jisung blush.

"Stop you are making me blush!" Jisung said in a cute voice.

Then we heard a knock on the door. Felix walked in with a huge cut on his arm.

"Felix are you okay?" I asked him.

"I think so." He said.

"What happened?" Jisung asked.

"A man with a big knife came into Changbin's room. I protected him but the man cut me. Doctors came in and took the man away. I hid the cut and left the room because Changbin was asleep." Felix finally finished.

"Where did Chan, Jeong In and Woojin go?" I asked.

"They had to go home. Because they thought their parents would worry." Felix said.

"We need to call a doctor for that cut, Felix." Minho said.

"No. I'm fine." Felix said.

"You have a huge cut that is bleeding like crazy right now. If you don't get it stitched up you will pass out and eventually die." Minho said.

I clicked the button and then we all waited. About a minute later a doctor walked in.

"What happened to your arm?!" He said alarmed.

"Did you hear about the accident in room 147?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah, everyone is talking about it." She said.

"Well he was there and protected the patient in the room from that man, but was cut by him." Jisung said.

"Oh my god. It looks like we need to stitch it up, fast." She said.

"Ok." Felix said.

Felix followed her out of the room holding his arm in pain.

"This is very unlucky day." I said.

"It certainly is, sweetheart." Hyunjin said.


Thanks for reading!

See ya later...

(And do you think I did good on the kiss scene this time?)

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