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Hyunjin POV

"I love you too." Seungmin said with teary eyes. 

I looked at him and into his eyes. I walked over to him and kissed him. Then I walked out of the room.

I ran to the elevator and went to the first floor. There were a few people on the ground dead from the people. I went to Changbin's room and knocked since it was locked.

"Let me in, it is just Hyunjin." I said.

Felix slowly opened the door and pulled me inside then slammed it close and quickly locked it.

"What is happening, Hyunjin?!" Felix asked.

"Well..." I said and then I told them everything. Even that Minho was a secret agent.

"I never thought that this would happen in my life. I thought it only happened in movies." Changbin said.

"Me too until I got that call from Minho. At first I thought it was a prank, but Minho isn't like that so I knew that it had to be real." I said.

"What about Jisung and Seungmin, are they okay?" Felix asked. 

"I don't know I left them in the room because I had to come tell you what happened." I said.

"Well you need to get back to the love of your life and your best friend or you might loose them." Changbin said.

"Be careful. You are like a little brother to me." Changbin said. 

I walked into the hallway. I heard Felix quickly lock the door. I headed towards the elevator, but I heard someone moaning in pain. 

"Help." Is all I heard the person say. I walked towards the noise because I couldn't just leave them there who ever it was.

When I turned the corner I saw someone on the floor that I didn't expect to see. It was...Minho. And he was lying on the floor.

"Minho, what are you doing here? Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I came to get the people but I was shot, twice." He said in a weak voice and rolled over.

"Oh lord." I said seeing all the blood. He was shot in the arm and in the right side of his chest.

"Don't worry about me, go save Jisung and Seungmin. That is where they are going right now." Minho said.

"I'm taking you with me, especially because you have a gun." I said. 

"But I'm too weak to walk." He said.

"Get on my back." I said and bent down.

He slowly got onto my back and then I started walking back towards the elevator. But I stopped when in front of the elevator was a man with a gun; and it was pointed at us.

I grabbed the gun from my pocket. I put it up.

"You wouldn't really shoot me would you?" The man said and then he pulled the trigger.

I was shot in my thigh. I dropped Minho and then fell to the ground in pain. But the man was also on the ground because I managed to pull the trigger right before I fell.

I got up off the ground and picked up Minho's weak body. It hurt like hell to walk, but I had too. I had to get to Seungmin and I had to get Minho to Jisung.

I entered the elevator and hit the button for the 7th floor. I was limping all the way down the hall.

I knocked on the door. "It is Hyunjin." I said in a very weak voice. But before anyone opened the door a man walked down the hall with a gun. "Hurry." I said and knocked on the door again.

The man was about to shoot Minho so I shot him, right in the thigh. Jisung opened the door and then quickly locked it again.

"Babe...are you okay?" Jisung asked Minho. But there was no response.

Jisung started shaking him and doing CPR. But it wasn't doing anything.

"Try mouth to mouth." I said in a very weak voice. I was close to passing out but I stayed conscious.

Jisung did mouth to mouth. After a few minutes he was about to give up, but he couldn't let him die. And then Minho woke up. Jisung was crying really hard, he had almost lost him.

Seungmin got out of his bed and walked over to me, with the pole. He leaned in a kissed me passionately. He nibbled slightly at my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him, and his tongue explored the inside of my mouth. Then he pulled away.

"Let's fix that gunshot wound." Seungmin said. 

Seungmin went to the bathroom and got some gauze and wraps. I had to take my pants of partially for Seungmin to wrap my wound. I felt myself blushing and I could see Seungmin blushing too.

Jisung was also wrapping up Minho's wounds. Seungmin, Jisung and I were crying out of sadness and happiness while Minho was crying out of pain and guilt. 

Soon the police got there and got all of the murderers out of the building and then declared it safe. All the doctors were helping the many people that were severely injured.

We had hit the button that calls the doctor many times but no one had come yet. After about 15 minutes someone came in. It was a young female doctor. She gasped at the sight she saw.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Well he was shot once in the arm and once on the right side of his chest." Jisung said pointing at Minho, still crying.

"And I was shot in the thigh." I said because I still had the strength to talk. Minho had lost that strength a long time ago. 

"Ok well he seems to have the worse injury so I will treat him first." She said going over to Minho.

She took of his shirt and started disinfecting the wound, he then started wincing in pain. I also didn't expect it but Minho has really nice abs. Then she wrapped up the wounds to the best of her abilities.

Then it was my turn. I had to take off my pants and it made me blush. She disinfected my wound and then wrapped it up. 

"That is the best I can do." She said with a worried face.

"It's okay as long as I live." I said.

She walked out of he room. And I turned to look at Seungmin. He was crying while sitting in the edge of the bed. I sat next to him and put my arm around his waist and pulled him in close. He cried into my chest and I cried a little, but not to much. 

"It will all be okay, sweetheart." I said and it sounded so cheesy, but I didn't care it was meaningful.


Thanks for reading!

See ya later...

(2 chapters in one day! I wrote another one because I wanted to see what would happen, because I just write and see what happens, I don't really have a plan.)

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