the story

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Seungmin POV

"Hi, sweetheart." Hyunjin said.

"I don't want to talk to you." I said.

"Listen then. I didn't cheat on you." He said.

"What do you mean? You are apparently taking him on a date tonight." I said and sighed.

"Well I am but to try and break up with him again." Hyunjin said.

"What?" I asked confused. I still hadn't even looked at him.

"I was and kinda still am in a really bad relationship. I had an abusive boyfriend, every time I try to break up with him he hurts me. One time he even broke my leg. So tonight I was going to break up with him." Hyunjin explained.

"Oh. What is this abusive boyfriends name?" I asked not very convinced.

"Park Jinyoung." Hyunjin said with anger in his voice.

"Ok I believe you." I said.

"Really?" Hyunjin asked surprised.

"Yeah. Because I love and trust you. I don't know how I ever thought that you cheated on me." I said.

"Oh I love you too. But can you do me a really big favor?..." Hyunjin asked.

"Sure. What is it?" I asked. Right then I didn't know I would regret it.

"Can you go to that date with me?" Hyunjin asked.

"I guess. I mean I don't want you to get hurt." I said.

"Well it is at 7pm and it is only 12pm." Hyunjin said.

"Let's go to see Jisung." I suggested.

"Sounds good." Hyunjin said grabbing his car keys.

When we were about to walk out to the car Mrs. Hwang yelled "where are you two going?".

"To go see Jisung in the hospital. Then we are going on a date." Hyunjin answered.

"Ok be back by 11:00 sharp tonight." She said. We nodded and then left.

When we walked into the hospital Minho and Woojin weren't there so I guess they are with Jisung.

"Hello how may I help you?" The doctor asked.

"We are here to see Han Jisung." I said. (I literally wrote Park Jisung and then after like 2 more paragraphs I realized)

"Ok how do you know him?" He asked.

"We are in a music group together and are good friends." Hyunjin said.

"Ok he is room 365." He said.

We went to the elevator. (hellavator) When we got to room 365 Hyunjin knocked on the door.

Jeong In was the one who let us in. I wasn't expecting to see him but I guess it made since.

"Hey guys." Jeong In said with a bright smile.

"Hey." I said in unison with Hyunjin.

"Jisung. How you doing?" I asked.

"I'm pretty good actually. Jeong In explained everything to me." Jisung said.

"I'm guessing you didn't hear what happened between Seungmin and me?" Hyunjin asked.

"No. What happened? Did you get in a fight?" Jisung questioned.

"Not exactly. He thought I cheated on him but I kinda did. I mean I literally have a date with another guy tonight." Hyunjin said.

"What do you mean you have a date with another guy? This is cheating." Jisung said.

"You know how I was in a really bad relationship with Jinyoung?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah..." Jisung said.

"He hurts me every time I try to break up with him. So I never did. And he is making me go on a date with him. I'm gonna break up with him but I'm also bringing Seungmin." Hyunjin said.

"Ok...that is an interesting story." Jisung said.

"Yeah I know." I said.

"So I'm guessing you worked things out?" Woojin asked.

"Yeah. We are all good." I said and leaned on Hyunjin.

"You two are so much cuter than me and Minho." Jisung said.

"No we aren't. You two just aren't very touchy." Hyunjin said.

"Oh hell Minho is really touchy. But not in a cute way." Jisung said.

"Ew." Woojin said.

"You're only saying that because you want it." Minho said and started blushing.

"Are you blushing?" Hyunjin taunted him.

"N-no." Woojin said and then everyone laughed.

"Hey Jisung can I see your scars. Because you made me show you mine." I said.

"Fine. And I have a lot more than one." Jisung said.

He showed me the two on his left arm. He had one on right arm. The one on his leg was the biggest. And then he had a small on in his head.

"How about you tell us exactly what happened last night?" Hyunjin suggested. Everyone nodded.

"Ok fine." Jisung said. "Well furst I stayed up really late. Then when Chan got home I heard the sound of shattering glass. I ran to the living room to see Chan asleep on the couch and Jeong In cleaning up broken glass on the floor." Jisung said.

"I have scars from cleaning up all the glass Chan has broken." Jeong In said showing us his hands.

"Ok back to the story. Chan then woke up because he heard me. He looked angry and he could barely stand. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Jeong In, you explain that part." He said.

"Well I ran over to him amd grabbed the beer. But he took it back and pushed me into the kitchen island. I then fell to the ground grabbing my arm. Ok Jisung your turn again." Jeong In said.

"Well I went over to Jeong In and asked 'are you okay?' he shook his head. I asked 'where did he hurt you?' and he said 'my arm, I think he broke it'. At that point I was really angry and walked up to Chan. I punched him in the face and he fell over. But he then threw the beer bottle at me. Hard. Jeong In." Jisung said.

"Oh. Then I got up off the floor holding my arm and crying. I called 911. Jisung was covered in blood at the time and Chan had fallen asleep." Jeong In said.

"What did you tell the operator?" Woojin asked.

"I said 'help my boyfriend broke my arm and threw a beer bottle at my friend. He is covered in blood.' And so she told me to stay on the phone and put pressure on Jisung's cuts. So I did. She also asked what happened to Chan and I said he tell asleep because of how drunk he was. And next thing we know we are at the hospital." Jeong In finally finished.

"Hey Woojin aren't you the one Chan goes drinking with?" Minho asked.

"No I don't drink alcohol." Woojin said.

"So he lied. He must've gone alone." Jisung said.

Jeong In was silent.

"Jeong In don't be upset with him. You already forgave him anyway." Hyunjin said.

"Ok I'm not mad at him. I just want to talk to him about it." Jeong In said.

"Hey sweetheart do you want to go shopping? I mean I need my clothes back." Hyunjin said and smiled.


Thanks for reading!

See ya later...

And thanks for 800+ reads! I love you all!

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