forgive me

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Hyunjin POV

"How did it go, sweetheart?" I asked Seungmin when he walked back into the room.

"I know why he is depressed. And Jeong In he loves you so much. Please go talk to him. I will go with you." Seungmin said.

"Ok fine. But I won't forgive him." Jeong In said.

"Just come on." Seungmin said.

"Don't come with me. I want to talk to him alone." Jeong In said.

"Ok." Seungmin said and then sat down next to me.

I put my hand on his thigh and rubbed it slightly. He put his head on my shoulder.

"Why is Chan depressed?" I asked quietly.

"Because all his family is dead." Seungmin said.

"Oh." I said.

"Yeah I think he told me because of course I understand." Seungmin said.

"Were you really depressed after what happened?" I asked.

"No, I was scared but after awhile I realized that my family was gone. I would never see them again. And I went into major depression. One night I was going to end my life, but I spent that night with Jisung. He is really the only reason I'm alive." Seungmin said.

"I wish I could have been the one that made you decide to not kill yourself." I said quietly but I think Seungmin heard me.

He flicked me on my forehead. "Ow." I said and rubbed the spot he hit me.

"You deserved it. But I do love you." He said with a big smile.

"Well I love you too but that hurt." I said.

"I hope that Jeong In and Chan can forgive each other.  Well really that Jeong In can forgive Chan." Seungmin said.

"Yeah me too." I said.

Then Jeong In came through the lobby and ran out of the hospital. He looked angry.

"Oh no." I said and stood up.

I grabbed Seungmin's wrist and walked as fast as I could with a limp. We went to Chan's room and walked in without even knocking.

"Chan, what did you say to him?" I asked in a serious tone.

Chan was crying. He really was sorry, he loves Jeong In.

"I-I told him the t-truth, everything t-that I told S-seungmin. He looked like he might f-forgive me. So I got up out of the bed and w-walked over to him. And well...I k-kissed him." Chan said.

"I don't see anything wrong with that story." Seungmin said.

"Was he mad after you kissed him?" I asked.

"No he blushed and then his expression went from flustered to anger really fast." Chan said.

"He probably wanted to forgive you. He just didn't want to admit it. That is how teenagers are." Seungmin said.

"M-maybe. But he really hates me. But I love him." Chan said.

"He doesn't hate you. He is just confused about his feeling towards someone who broke his arm when they were drunk." I said.

"I wish that I had never neglected him. I never meant it." Chan said.

"Yeah, everyone does but you can't change what happened." I said.

"Stop crying Chan. It doesn't help anything." Seungmin said.

He then sat down on the side of Chan's bed. Chan sat up a little more and they hugged.

"It's okay Chan I understand what you are going through. I would've killed myself if it weren't for a special person. Your special person is Jeong In." Seungmin said calming the older.

"I am going to go find Jeong In. I don't want him to hurt himself." I said.

"Ok love you." Seungmin said.

"Love you too, bye." I said and left the room.

I went outside the hospital and Jeong In was sitting on the curb. I sat next to him and put my arm around him.

"Why can't you forgive him?" I asked.

"Because...he did the same thing to me for so long. And I never told him, he was too drunk to remember. It has been 8 months since this started. I miss the Chan I used to know. The one I loved." Jeong In said wiping away a tear.

"I assure you that he will never do it again. He loves you to the point that being without you makes his heart ache." I said.

"Well my heart aches too. I want to forgive him. Especially because of the sweet kiss he gave me when we were alone in his hospital room. The reason I got mad and left was because...his lips still had the slight taste of alcohol on them." He said and sighed deeply.

"It has only been a day. You will be okay. Now go and talk to him. Forgive him. Make out with him I don't care. As long as you show your love for each other and except it." I said.

"Ok fine." He said.

Once we got back to the room I knocked on the door. Seungmin opened it and was surprised to see Jeong In standing there.

"We will leave you two alone." I said.

"No stay. I want you to see." Jeong In said.

"Ok." Seungmin said.

He walked over to Chan. He stood by the bed.

"Hey Channie..." He said.

"Hey Jeonginie..." He said.

"I forgive you. I know you didn't mean it, I should've been there for you." Jeong In said and started to cry, quickly wiping away his tears.

"Really? I love you!" Chan said and got out of the bed.

"Love you too." The younger said.

Chan leaned in and kissed Jeong In softly. And we thought that they would probably make out so we left.

"I think that went pretty well." I said.

"Me too. Good plan babe." Seungmin said and gave me a peck on the lips.

We went back to the members and they were still waiting.

"Well?" Minho asked.

"Jeong In forgave him. Right now I'm pretty sure they are making out." Seungmin said.

"Is Jisung alright?" I asked.

"Yeah but they won't let us see him for another 30 minutes." Woojin said.

"Oh well I think we can wait that long. Right, sweetheart?" I said.


Thanks for reading!

See ya later...

(I wrote this in our church tour bus in Ireland. I just blasted NCT, right now I'm listening to 'we young'. And completely ignored the your guide.)

Also sorry for making Chan depressed and an alcoholic it was just for the story.

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