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Hyunjin POV

"You will be okay, sweetheart." I said and then he passed out.

Felix did CPR because I trusted him more than my self.

"Is he ok?" Jisung asked.

"No. We need to call 911." Felix said.

I grabbed my phone and called 911.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" The operator asked.

"My boyfriend just had an anemic attack and now he isn't waking up." I said as calmly as I could. But I knew that there was fear in my voice.

"Ok, we will send an ambulance." She said and hung up.

"And?" Jeong In asked.

"They are sending an ambulance." I said.

Felix was crying silently. I bet he was thinking about Changbin. I hugged him and he cried into my chest for a while.

"I hear sirens." Chan said.

"I'll carry him to the front of the house." I said and picked up Seungmin. He was really skinny so he was super light.

The ambulance arrived and they drove off with him. We followed in my car. It seemed so familiar. It was the same as when Changbin had an attack; Felix crying, me driving to the hospital.

Also my car only has 5 seats so Jeong In sat on Chan's lap and Jisung sat on Minho's lap. With a very uncomfortable Woojin in the middle.

Once we got there we all had to wait until we were allowed to see him. A doctor walked over and I'm guessing he was going to ask questions.

"Hello. So how do all of you know Seungmin?" He asked.

"We are in a music group with him." Felix said still looking angry and sad.

"And I'm his boyfriend." I said.

"Do you have any idea what caused the attack?" He asked.

"Well me and him got into a fight. Only with words. But I think that he thought I was going to hurt him and it increased his heart rate. Or something like that, I don't know much about anemia." Jisung said.

"Increased heart rate can cause an anemic attack, so don't get too mad at him next time." The doctor said and Jisung nodded.

"Well let's brighten the mood. What is his role in your music group?" He asked.

"He is the lead vocalist." I said.

"What is the name of the group?" He asked.

"Stray Kids." Minho said.

"Nice name choice, who picked it?" He asked.

"Seo Changbin. He isn't here right now but he is in this hospital for the very same reason that Seungmin is here." Chan said. He sounded so mature.

"Oh I know him, He has been here many times. And he always has his boyfriend with him. His name was...Felix. That is what it was." He said.

"Yeah, I'm Felix. Our 3rd anniversary is in 2 days. And it looks like we will be spending it in the hospital." Felix said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. And you can go see Seungmin soon. I will tell you when." He said and walked away.

"Felix, you can to Changbin if you want. And I'm guessing you guys want to meet him." I said.

"Let me have some alone time with him for like 10 minutes and then you can come." Felix said and walked off towards Changbin's room.

I was stressed and feeling really impatient. I put my hands over face and wanted to cry. But then I felt someone rubbing my back. I looked up to see Woojin.

"Hyunjin, he will be fine. Don't worry." Woojin said.  

"Thanks, Woojin." I said.

He smiled. He has a really cute eye smile. It made me feel a little better.

It has been 10 minutes so everyone went to go see Changbin. I waited so that I would know when I could go see Seungmin.

Then a doctor walked over to me.

"You may go see him. He is getting a blood transfusion so he is kind of weak. It is room 723." He said.

I got up and went towards the elevator. He was all the way on the 7th floor. I got to the 7th floor and then quickly walked down the hall to his room.

I knocked a little and then slowly opened the door. Seungmin was laying there barely awake because of all the medications.

"Hey, sweetheart." I said.

"Hey babe." He said sounding weak. He had never called me that before and it made me blush.

He sat up so that he could see me more clearly. I sat on the edge of the bed. I leaned in and kissed him softly since I knew he was weak.

"I love you." I said and kissed him again.

He broke the kiss. "I love you too." He said and kissed me again this time with more passion.

"Are you not weak because of my presence?" I asked with a small laugh after.

"You could say that." He said and kissed me with all the strength he had left.

Then we heard a knock on the door and stopped kissing in a hospital room.

Everyone from the group walked in. Including Changbin who brought his pole with medicine for his IV on it with him.

"I hope we didn't itterupt anything." Changbin said.

"Eh, not really. Just a small make out session." I said and everyone laughed.

"We itterupted something..." Jeong In said.

"Well if you had knocked I would have gotten off Changbin and stopped sucking on his neck." Felix said. And only Changbin laughed.

"We better hurt, because I have to be back in my room at 6. And it is 5:43." Changbin said.

"We have 17 minutes, stop worrying." Chan said.

"Jisung, why are you so quiet? You still mad at me?" Seungmin asked.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself. I caused your anemic attack by increasing your heart rate...a lot." Jisung said sounding guilty.

"It isn't your fault, I should have told you." Seungmin said.

"Stop making everything sad, let's talk about something fun." Minho said.

"Well Seungmin needs rest. Don't you sweetheart?" I said.


Thanks for reading!

See ya later...

(Also if anyone knows. Can anemic attacks happen from increased heart rate?)

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