I just want to talk

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Jisung POV

I walked out of the room towards the elevator. But then I decided I would visit Seungmin before I left.

I walked back towards Seungmin's room. I knocked but it wasn't like anyone would here me. So I just walked in.

No one was there except Seungmin. Just seeing him with the breathing tube and casts made my heart ache. I couldn't imagine how Hyunjin felt. It must have been horrible for him.

I sat next to him on the bed. I looked at his eyes. They were closed and it seemed like he was dead.

"Hey Seungmin I know you can't hear me or see me. But I really miss you and I love you so much. You are like a little brother to me." I said to him.

It didn't matter if he couldn't hear me. I just wanted to talk to him.

"Minho broke up with me this morning. I would do anything to have him back. I understand how Hyunjin feels. He isn't allowed to see you. But I know for a fact he loves you more than anything." I said.

The next thing I saw shocked me. A single year rolled down Seungmin's face. I wasn't sure what to do.

"Seungmin? Can you hear me?" I asked.

He didn't move but more tears rolled down his face. I hit the call nurse button.

A minute later a nurse came in.

"What is the problem dear?" She asked me.

"I was just talking to him and he started to cry. But how?" I said.

"I know what this means. He is not awake. He is mentally but his body isn't awake. So he can't move. But he should be able to cry. And usually this type of coma lasts for about a month or two." She said.

"Really?! He is going to wake up?" I asked happily but still confused.

"Most likely." She said.

"Ok well. I really need to get to my job." I said.

"Wait. I know who you are!" She said excitedly.

"Oh so you are a fangirl then?" I asked.

"Yes. I watch the drama Seungmin is in. You are in it to! Your name is Han Jisung!" She said happily.

"Yeah that's right." I said with a little smile.

"What are you filming right now?" She asked me.

"I can't tell you. But I'm filming it with Lee Minho." I said.

"Omg. I love Minho. Well you better get to work." She said.

I smiled and then walked out of the room back towards the elevators. I wanted to tell Hyunjin so bad but I had to get to work or they would fire me.

I left the building and went towards my car. When I sat in the car it made me think how Seungmin and Hyunjin almost died in a car. And it wasn't even their fault.

I pulled up at the place where we are shooting the drama. I then noticed that in the drama me and Minho fall in love. And there are kiss scenes.

As I walked in people glared at me. I was late.

"Hello sir. Sorry I'm l-late." I said and my voice cracked when I said late.

"It's okay." The director answered.

"Ok thanks." I said and smiled.

"Where were you though?" He asked.

"I was visiting my friends in the hospital." I said.

"Oh Seungmin and Hyunjin?" He asked.

"Yeah. They said that in a month or two Seungmin would wake up. He is mentally awake and can hear everything you say. But his body is still in a coma so he can't move." I said.

"Oh well I guess that's good news." He said.

"Yeah. I mean before they didn't know if he would ever wake up." I said.

"You look like you have been crying. Are you okay?" He asked me.

At that moment I kinda panicked. I couldn't tell him that Minho broke up with me. "I was just crying about Hyunjin and Seungmin." I lied.

"Oh ok." He said and patted my back.

"What scene are we shooting first?" I asked.

"The confession scene which is a kiss scene aswell." He said.

I hoped he wasn't going to say that. There was no way I was actually kissing Minho.

"Do we have to actually kiss?" I asked and then felt stupid. He knew we were dating.

"Yes. Why wouldn't you kiss your own boyfriend?" He asked.

"No reason it was a stupid question." I said and walked away to take my place.

"Places everyone!" The director shouted.

In the scene Minho had just saved me from jumping off a bridge. We were standing in the rain and I had to kiss him. He didn't kiss me I kissed him.

I didn't want to even see Minho, yet here we are. Standing in front of each other in artificial rain.

Then I ran away to my dressing room. I couldn't face him. I locked the door and just cried. I don't know how he could do this to me.

Then someone stopped my thoughts from banging on the door.

"Open the door Jisung." He said. It was the director.

I opened the door and let him in. Then I locked it again.

"What has gotten into you?" He asked.

I was so hurt. I just fell into his arms and cried. I was lost without Minho.

He was surprised and then he just patted my back. He told me it would all be okay.

"What happened Jisung? You have never ran away from a scene." He said once I finally got off of him.

"M-Minho b-broke up with m-me this m-morning." I said well more of stuttered.

"Oh I see. Well why did he break up with you?" He asked.

"I don't know. We never even fought in the year we dated." I said not letting myself cry any longer.

"You should talk to him. And thanks for getting me all wet from that rain." He said with a little laugh.

"Oh yeah sorry." I said with a sniffle.

"It's fine now go talk to Minho." He said.

"Fine." I said.


Thanks for reading!

I actually updated on time!

See ya later...

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