in love? with him?!

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Seungmin POV

"You are not in love with him. You have only known him for a day." Jisung said.

"Well I've never felt the way I feel towards him." I said.

"You probably only think you love him because he saved you life." He said.

"Whatever forget what I said. Lets go to sleep." I said.

Jisung went and laid down on the small couch and closed his eyes. He fell asleep almost instantly after his body hit the couch.

I just stared at the ceiling thinking of a certain someone.

I just got out of the hospital. Hyunjin is so nice, he payed the ridiculos hospital bill.

It was so bad because I can't afford health care. But now I'm walking to Hyunjin's place with Jisung.

"Do you think he will really give me a place in his mansion?" I asked.

"I think he will. To be honest Hyunjin is one if the nicest people I've ever met." He answered.

"Yeah he really is." I said and daydreamed of him. His perfect skin, his beautiful smile and most importantly his heart. Hyunjin was the most beautiful person I had ever met. And the only person I've ever loved.

"Seungmin, we're here." Jisung snapped me out of my daydreamimg.

"Ok." I said nervously.

"I can't believe you are in love, with him?!" Jisung said.

"Well believe it because I'm pretty sure he likes me too." I said and smiled.

The feeling of being in love was something I've never felt or experienced before. It felt good but at the same time it felt bad because I had only known him for a day.

We walked up to the door of his huge mansion. There was a maid standing beside it and she asked our names.

"Kim Seungmin and this is Han Jisung." I said.

"Hmmm, I've never heard those names before." She said.

"Well remember when Hyunjin brought a boy home that had been stabbed. That was me." I said.

"Oh well prove it." She said. This lady was very stubborn, she really didn't want anyone hurting Hyunjin. I pulled up the bottom of my pants a little and showed the scar with all the stiches.

"Ok you may go in." She said and let me in, but she put her hand in front of Jisung.

"Who are you?" She asked him.

"I'm Hyunjin's friend." He said.

"You can't prove that." She said.

"I will go get Hyunjin so he will you in." I said. Jisung nodded his head.

I went to the kitchen and then Hyunjin's room. He wasn't in the kitchen or his room. So I asked one of the maids that was in the living room.

"Where is Hyunjin?" I asked her.

"Oh, he is probably in the dance studio." She said. I didn't know he was a dancer.

"Where is that? I'm sorry if I'm being an inconvenience." I said.

"Oh you're fine. It is down the hall and 2 rights." She said.

"Thank you." I said and started walking down the long hallway.

About a minute later I found the dance studio. I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I could hear music playing. I walked in and Hyunjin was dancing, perfectly. It was amazing. I cleared my throat just in case he didn't know I was there. He stopped dancing and turned around.

"Oh hey Seungmin, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well right now I'm trying to get the maid at the front door to let Jisung in." I said and laughed.

"Oh she's always like that." He said and laughed.

"I had to show her my stiches to get in." I said. As we walked down the hallway we talked about random things.

"I didn't know that you were friends with Jisung." Hyunjin said.

"Actually before you he was my only friend." I said.

"Oh really, why? You have such a great personality." He said.

"Well thanks. But I live on the street, so no one wants to be my friend." I said and looked down at the floor.

"We can change that. I don't know if you remember but I offered you a place to stay." He said.

"Really?! You would do that for some guy you met two days ago?" I said. I did remember him saying that but I wanted to act like I didn't.

We got to the front door about a minute later. God his house is huge. Jisung was still standing there and he looked really annoyed.

"You can let Jisung come in, he is a friend." Hyunjin said. Jisung walked in and we all sat down in the living room.

"How long have you guys been friends?" I asked.

"About 3 years I think." Hyunjin said.

"You kept Hyunjin and your friendship a secret for 3 years Jisung?!" I yelled. I stood up and looked at Jisung with pure anger in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Seungmin...I just didn't want to offend you." Jisung said and he looked scared.

Hyunjin stood up and walked between us so we wouldnt hurt each other.

"Seungmin, Jisung loves you and that's why he kept it a secret. He didn't want to hurt you. And Jisung you are a great friend. You did the wrong thing but you thought it was right. So please don't fight. Plus Seungmin you have a limp you cant fight him. What if you open up your stiches." Hyunjin said.

It sounded so meaningful. I sat back down on the couch and so did Hyunjin. My heart was beating so fast I didn't even know what to do. I eyed Jisung in hopes he would say for me. He rolled his eyes at me but he said it.

"Seungmin would say this but he is too nervous. Can he have a place in your mansion?" Jisung said.

"Yeah, of course. I mean I asked before if he wanted to stay here but he doesn't remember because he passed out." Hyunjin said.

"Do you really mean that?" I said and looked at him with big eyes.

"Yeah I do. I would do anything for you." He said.

My heart felt like it was going to explode. I knew I loved him. But I didn't really know if he loved me back.

Thanks for reading!

See ya later...

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