I didn't say anything

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Seungmin POV

"It wasn't that bad, sweetheart." Hyunjin said.

"I completely disagree on that one." I said.

"I didn't think my dad would be like that, he is usually really nice and accepting." Hyunjin said.

"Well I think that it is because he thought you were straight. And then you just brought your boyfriend home." I said. 

"Yeah, you are probably right." Hyunjin said and sighed.

"But what if they kick me out? I don't want to go ba-" I was cut off by Hyunjin.

"They won't kick you out and if they do then I will come too and we can buy a house together. Whatever happens I will stay with you." Hyunjin said.

"I love you." I said and smiled.

He leaned in and kissed me. His plump lips touching with mine. He broke the kiss and whispered into my ear "I love you too." He then kissed me again, this time deeper. I pulled him in closer. He nibbled at my bottom lip asking for entrance. I smiled slightly and let him explore my mouth with his tongue. 

"What the fuck are you two doing?!" I heard Hyunjin's dad yell.

Hyunjin quickly broke the kiss and he blushed, so did I.

"N-nothing." Hyunjin said, damn why did he stutter.

"I will not allow you to make out with a boy, it just isn't right." His dad said. I was really angry at his dad, I was going to explode any second. 

"You're such an asshole." I said under my breath.

"What did you say?" He asked me.

"I didn't say anything, sir." I said holding back my laughter.

Hyunjin grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room, pushing his dad out of the way. He didn't even bother to get his crutches. He just limped down the stairs. He grabbed his car keys and we went to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To Minho and Jisung's apartment." Hyunjin replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"Do you ever wonder why Minho lives in an apartment?" Hyunin asked.

"No? I never really thought about it." I said.

"Well Minho's parents kicked him out because he was gay, so I want to talk to him." He said.

"Ok, but don't you need your crutches?" I asked.

"I can walk it just kinda hurts, I will be okay." He said.

We got into the car and he started driving towards their apartment. When we got there we went to the third floor of the building and went to Minho's apartment.

Hyunjin knocked on the door. 

"Who is it?" We heard a voice ask.

"Hyunjin and Seungmin." Hyunjin said.

The door opened and we saw Jeong In. 

"Oh hey Jeong In, where is Minho?" I asked.

"He is in his room. He still needs to rest because of his wounds. Also when did you lose the crutches?" Jeong In said.

"Ok and I just didn't bring them, I can't really walk that well." Hyunjin said.

"Oh, are you crying? What's wrong?" Jeong In asked me.

"Hyunjin you go talk to Minho, I will stay and talk to Jeong In." I said. 

Me and Jeong In went to the couch and sat down.

"Yeah I am crying but out of anger and sadness." I said and wiped away a stray tear.

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking." Jeong In said.

"No, it's fine. Well... Hyunjin's dad is really mad at Hyunjin because he is gay. We went upstairs into Hyunjin's room. And then he told me he would never leave me even if his dad kicked me out, which is so cheesy. Then we well...made out. But his dad walked in on us. He got really mad and said that guys kissing each other was just not right. It made me really mad and Hyunjin to. So we left and came here. That is why I was crying." I finally finished with the story.

And then Jeong In just hugged me. It was weird at first but then it felt comforting. Jeong In was such a sweet guy. Chan was lucky to have someone like him.

"Where is Chan?" I asked pulling out of the hug.

"He is out with his best friend, Woojin. Sometimes I think he hangs out with Woojin more than me." He answered looking down.

"Did you tell him how you feel?" I asked.

"I have tried but he never listens." He said.

Then the door opened. It was Jisung.

"Hey Seungmin, what are you doing here?" Jisung asked.

"Oh well that is a long story. But the short version is Hyunjin's dad doesn't accept that he is gay so he came here to talk to Minho." I said.

"Oh that's terrible. Wait. Are you crying?" Jisung asked and walked over to me.

"I was but not anymore." I said. "I'm afraid that Hyunjin's dad will kick me out and I will have to go back to that cave under the bridge." I said and sighed.

"You lived in a cave under a bridge before you moved in with Hyunjin?!" Jeong In said surprised.

"Yeah I did. Both my parents are dead so I lived alone on the streets. I still attended public school but Jisung was my only friend." I said memories coming back to me.

"Oh that's sad. I'm sorry for you." He said.

"It is fine, I have Hyunjin now." I said.

"You will never have to go back to the streets Seungmin." Jisung said.

"Ok." I said and then Hyunjin walked out from Minho's room.

"So what did he say?" I asked.

"He said that I need to stand up to them and if they just won't accept me for who I am, to just move out and get a job." Hyunjin said and laughed a little at the end. He limped over to the couch and sat next to me.

"I know that we will get through this, sweetheart." Hyunjin whispered into my ear.


Thanks for reading!

I will probably not update for about 10 days because I'm going on a trip to Ireland. I'm really sorry about that, but I will try to have time to write. I don't think I will have time though.

See ya later...

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