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Hyunjin POV

Felix had to get 18 stitches in his arm for the cut. But I have to admit it looked really cool.

"So who did it? Who cut you is what I mean?" Changbin asked in a worried voice.

"It was a patient here for mental reasons. His name was Jun Taemin." Felix said.

We were sitting in Changbin's hospital room. Just Felix, Changbin and I. Jisung was with Seungmin so that he wouldn't be alone.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Changbin asked.

"I can tell how much you love him. You two should get married." I said.

"I'm fine. And we have talked about getting married but when I'm 22 and he is 23." Felix said.

"We don't want to get married too young." Changbin said.

"Yeah, that is a good idea." I said.

"When do you plan on getting married, like what age?" Felix asked me.

"When I'm 24 or 25." I said.

"To who?" Changbin asked with a smirk.

"Kim Seungmin of course. But we literally have only been dating for a week. I love him a lot though." I said.

"Do you two ever want kids?" I asked.

"Well I do, what about you babe?" Felix asked.

"Yeah but when I'm like 30." Changbin replied.

"Really?" Felix asked.

"Yeah, I really want to have kids with you but I'm not sure how." Changbin said.

"We could get a surrogate or adopt." Felix said.

I like how they were having this conversation right in front of me. And in a hospital.

"I wish we could have a child that is really ours, but we are 2 guys so..." Changbin said.

"We could maybe get your sister to be a surrogate for us." Felix said.

"You want to impregnate my sister? I doubt that she would agree." Changbin said.

"Well this in like 10 years." Felix said. 

"Yeah you are right." Changbin said.

"Do you realize that I'm right here listening to your entire conversation right now?" I asked.

"Yeah, but you asked the question in the first place. And you are my best friend so I don't care if you hear this conversation." Changbin said.

"Ok." I said.

"Minho told me something yesterday before he left." Felix said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"That Jisung and him walked in on you and Seungmin making out." Felix said. 

I blushed a little but tried my best to hide it. "Yeah, and?" I asked.

"Who made the first move?" Changbin asked.

"Me. And then after I pulled out of it, Seungmin kissed me." I said.

"Oh okay." Felix said. they kept answering for each other, it was kinda weird. 

"Well I guess I can tell you what I had planned for our anniversary tomorrow, because it can't happen now." Changbin said.

"Okay, I bet it was amazing." Felix said.

"Well we were going to have a picnic by the lake and then watch the sunset. Like we did on our first date." Changbin said.

"That sounds amazing. Maybe we can do that again after you are out of here." Felix said.

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