the note

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Seungmin POV

I was so bored because I didn't have anything to do. I wanted to wait until when Hyunjin said to come to his room. A doctor then walked into the room.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Hyunjin told me to give this to you." She said and handed me a note.

"Ok, thank you." I said taking the note from her hand.

"No problem." She said and left the room.

I opened up the note and read it. It said:

Dear Seungmin, 
The day after you get out of the hospital, meet me at the lake. At our favorite spot to think. I have a little surprise for you. 

I knew what he was planning. He had probably planned it before the accident, but then it happened. It all happened, messed up me and Hyunjin's lives together.

He was going to propose to me. We would hopefully live a happy life together; no fights, no terrible accidents. If he didn't propose I wouldn't know why he would have asked me what age I wanted to get married at.

Just then breaking me from my thoughts Changbin walked into my room.

"Oh hey Changbin." I said.

"Hey Seungmin. I thought I would visit you after my shift." He said.

"Well...something happened a few minutes ago. Something amazing." I said and handed him the note that Hyunjin had given me.

He read it quickly and smiled. "Does this mean what I think it means...?" He asked.

"Yup. I'm pretty sure he is going to propose to me! Especially because earlier today he asked me what age I wanted to get married at." I said.

"That really is awesome, Seungmin. I came at a good time." Changbin said.

"Well, thank you I guess. And yeah you did come at a good time." I said.

"Well now you have to wait three days until you can go to the lake." Changbin said.

"Yeah, but I'm sure Hyunjin will come to see me." I said.

"Yeah, you're right. But he will probably be planning exactly how he wants to do it. I know I did, I pretty much ignored Felix for days while I planned the perfect way to propose." He said.

"Speaking of Felix, you better get back home to him. He is your fiancé after all." I said.

"He is still at work. But when Hyunjin proposes to you, are you going to say yes?" Changbin asked. 

"Of course I am going to say yes! I love him more than my own family." I said.

"I know you do. But sometimes I wonder how you manage to talk about your parents with no pain in your voice or actions." Changbin said.

"I always knew that they were bad people so I never really loved them enough to miss them or feel pain when I speak about them." I said.

"It took me 5 years to be able to talk about my father after what he did." He said.

"You know you never told me what your father did. It's okay if you don't want to answer that." I said.

"No, It's okay. He murdered his coworker because he stole his case. Because he was a lawyer at the time." He said.

"When it first happened when he killed someone, were you surprised or did you think it was going to happen?" I asked.

"I knew it deep in my heart, but I didn't think that it would ever really happen. I thought my dad was a great man, he was very loving and sweet." He said.

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