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Seungmin POV

"Yeah. Let's watch it, sweetheart." Hyunjin. said and we sat down in front of the tv.

I turned the tv on and went to YouTube. The exact thing I searched was 'sweetheart seungjin'.

The first thing that came up was the news story. The thumbnail was me and Hyunjin kissing at the Thai place.

" on it." Hyunjin said.

I glared at him and then hit the video. It didn't really seem that bad. There was no criticism it was only about the way we decided to share our relationship.

"That wasn't bad at all." I said as it ended.

"Yeah. Felix was really exaggerating." He said.

"Do you ever wish we had only been dating for a week?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know. Because we would still be at a fresh start." I said.

"Well we have never really gotten into a fight. So I think we don't need to be at a fresh start." He said.

"Oh shit. It is 3:12." I said looking at my phone.

"Damn it. We need to hurry." He said.

I picked up the car keys and I drove us there. We were late to practice. Stray Kids was practicing to audition for JYP Entertainment.

"Slow down. Don't crash the car." Hyunjin said.

"I won't I know how to drive." I said.

"That is what everyone says before they crash a car." Hyunjin said and we laughed.

As I turned the corner I bright flash of light and a loud sound happened. My instinct was to hit the brakes but it was already too late. Then I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I passed out.

Hyunjin POV

As Seungmin was turning a corner a car but us because they were speeding down the road. It hit on Seungmin's side in between the front and back doors. My only instinct was to grab Seungmin's hand.

I didn't pass out but Seungmin did. I was terrified. I thought he was going to die. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. But at least the crash wasn't Seungmin's fault.

It only took a few minutes for the paramedics to get there because their were witnesses on the sidewalks. They tried to get me first but I refused saying that Seungmin needed more help than me.

They got Seungmin out of the car and put him into the ambulance. I was in tears. What if I never got to tell him I loved him again? What if...

Was all I could think. Then they pulled ke out of the car and onto a stretcher. They told me things like 'you are going to be play's and they also asked me my name. I told them and asked 'what happened to Seungmin?'.

They stared at me blankly for a minute and then told me 'he is okay.' But I just said 'you're lying' and tried to sit up. But it hurt and I just fell back in pain.

Then I passed out, probably from loosing to much blood.

When I woke up I was in the hospital. Jisung and Minho were sitting there waiting for me to wake up.

"Oh my god you're awake!" Jisung said happily. I tried to smile but I had to know about Seungmin.

"Is Seungmin ok?" I asked.

"Well...he is going to live. But he is in a...coma. And they don't know when he will wake up." Jisung said tears running down his face.

I started to cry. I wanted to see him. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him. I wanted to see him smile.

"What happened to me? And what happened to him?" I asked.

"Well you have one broken rib. A huge cut from the glass of the windshield. And we'll you leg is broken, obviously. And you have the breathing mask because your broken rib pierced your lungs so there is a hole in your lungs." Minho said letting a few years go.

"I don't think I've ever seen you cry." I said.

"He is actually really soft. He cries a lot." Jisung said causing Minho to hit him.

"What about Seungmin? What are all his injuries?" I asked.

"He has six broken ribs and most pierced his lungs. So he has a breathing tube. His eye was severely cut but it is only the outside of it. And he has a broken ankle from slamming on the brakes so hard. And a broken hand because you held it so hard." Jisung explained.

"Are you sure he will be okay?" I asked scared.

"The doctors say he will pull through. He has a 92% chance of surviving. But only a 36% chance of still being able to sing." Minho said.

"They can't take away his beautiful voice. It has been his dream since he was 4 years old to be a singer." I said crying.

"They are trying. In about a month you can see him. Once you have healed." Jisung said.

My heart broke even more. "A month?! Do you know how hard it is to not see your boyfriend for a while month?!" I yelled. But then I started coughing.

Jisung walked over to me. He sat on the edge of my hospital bed. Then he wiped the years off my face. "It will be okay. Don't yell you will hurt yourself." He said.

He smiled at me and I could see Minho smiling from across the room. I just wanted to see the love of my life. Awake.

"Can't I see him sooner Jisung-ah?" I asked sweetly.

"Maybe. But right now you can't even sit up." Jisung replied.

"Where are my parents?" I asked.

"Hyunjin...have you forgotten where they are?" Jisung said. It sounded like he was hiding something from me.

"Where are they?" I asked again.

"They died...when you were 3 years old." Minho said.

"Oh. I remember now." I said and went back to being calm.

"I want to see my sweetheart again." I said.


Thanks for reading!

See ya later...

And please read my new book! It is Changlix. It is called Alternate Dimension.

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