Smitten - Roman x Logan

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Roman's eyes fluttered open after the morning sun shone against them through the curtains, body shifting as he stretched his arms, mouth parting to let a yawn out - sucking in oxygen into his lungs.

Feeling someone move beside him, he looked down and smiled, spotting the love of his life shuffling closer to his body heat, hair that was usually neat and kept flat across his forehead was tousled and sticking up, his face calm and peaceful, in a way Roman could stare at forever. Shuffling down the bed a little, he noticed the small line of drool hanging from the corner of his mouth, soaking against Roman's bare chest. He didn't really mind, he found it adorable.

It was nice to see him in this state, all innocent and cute - when he's awake, Roman could only describe him as the most handsome and hot man he's ever seen - not much adorable. In fact, the first time Roman laid eyes on him, he wanted him, he wanted Logan to himself, and felt jealous warp around him whenever he imagined another person doing things to Logan in a romantic sense. He didn't know why he was so smitten by the man he was the complete opposite to - and the amount of arguments they endured before dating would make anyone want to turn around and forget about that person - but Roman wanted more, he wanted to push past their differences...and kiss his soft, pink lips.

And he did, after they became friends, obviously. 

He could remember it clearly, knowing it was a memory he would never forget.

"Maybe if you were more bearable you would have more friends" Logan commented, facing his close friend with crossed arms and a small smirk. Glaring with no hate, Roman huffed, crossing his own arms back and stomping his foot. "I have enough friends!" He retorted back childishly, freezing up when a chuckle escaped past Logan's lips. That noise...he doesn't hear it often, but it makes his heart flutter more and more each time his ears are blessed with it.

Logan noticed this and cocked an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Letting his arms fall, Roman took a step closer, smiling and shrugging. "Your laugh - it's beautiful" he commented softly, watching a hue of pink sprinkle across his cheeks, spluttering a bit at the compliment that caught him off guard.

" is?"

Chuckling, Roman closed the space between them, only inches away from his face. Logan may have looked calm, but from the fast pace of his breathing that fanned against his cheeks, Roman could tell Logan was losing it. In a good way, of course.

Smirking, Roman watched Logan's eyes dilate as they glanced towards his lips, his hands also becoming clammy as he rubbed them against his dark trousers, staring at Roman and silently praying he would just close the gap and kiss him. He hated to admit it but he's wanted Roman's lips on his own for so long it hurt every time they were together.

Raising his hand, Roman cupped his jaw, tilting his head a little while leaning forward. "I could listen to your laugh forever" Roman breathed out, staring into Logan's dark eyes, flecks of brown shining through. "It's...perfect" Roman smiled, their lips brushing they were so close, Roman inwardly gasping as Logan gripped his hips, pulling him impossibly closer until their bodies were flushed together, both standing in silence, waiting for the other to do something.

"Kiss me" Logan whispered, eyes falling shut as Roman pulled him closer, butterflies bursting in their stomachs, creating goosebumps that spread across their tingling skin, bodies feeling like they were on fire  from the passion that went into the kiss. Moulding together perfectly, Logan coiled his arms around Roman's waist, keeping himself up as Roman backed him to the wall, gasping and breathlessly moaning after Roman swiped his tongue across his bottom lip.

Logan pushed him back a little, panting heavily while watching his eyes flutter with concern and worry.

"Before...we go further..." he breathed, gripping Roman's shoulders. "I like you romantically, and have been meaning to tell you for weeks...will you be my boyfriend, Roman?"

Resting his forehead against Logan's, he laughed in pure happiness, kissing him deeply once again.

"Yes, yes! I would want nothing more than to be yours"


The groggy voice of his boyfriend snapped him from his flashback. Looking down once more, he watched Logan slowly sit up, still draped across Roman's mostly bare body, his body bare as well. Smiling, Roman tucked his hair behind his ear, watching him using one arm to rub the tiredness from his eyes, the other holding him up as he loomed over Roman, lips smacking together quietly as he winced at the dryness and disgusting taste.

Roman rested his hands on Logan's upper sides, pulling him down to kiss him softly.

"Morning breath" Logan grimaced, pushing himself weakly away, Roman laughing quietly as he did, pulling his body back again so they could cuddle for a bit longer, this time both men resting on their sides, even if Logan wanted to get up his arms hugged around his torso, head resting against his neck.

"I love you" Roman murmured into his ear, smirking as Logan shivered lightly.

"I love you too, Logan"

Roman furrowed his eyebrows, chuckling as he watched Logan's own face cross with confusion as he went over what he just said.

"Roman - I mean Roman"

Said man was on his back, hand over his mouth as his laughter echoed throughout the room, Logan glaring and hitting his arm, rolling over so his back was towards him.

"I love Logan too" Roman giggles, cleaning away his tears.

"If you bring this up one time"

"I promise I won't!"

He promised to not bring it up one time, so who says he can't bring it up two times?

fucking Roman x Logan is my favourite ship

Ooo~! Also, shoutout to a good friend of mine - they probably hate me and will hate me after this - lallyalley12 is their account - I don't do this...often? Buuuut they made a sander sides OneShot and even if it only has one part so far I think it's good! So I recommend you check it oooouuuttttttt!

But her first part was mean to Roman ;-; HOW DARE THEY (kidding it's good chECK IT OUR >> lallyalley12 <<)

She will probably end up writing better than me - at this point it's not hard, I'll be honest > lallyalley12

I'm just tagging their name a lot so you know I'm serious


*burps* anyway peace ✌🏻!

Oh! P.S! YouAreAnnoyinghaha  < Love you, Angel! 😘❤️


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