Code words 5 - Patton

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Gosh I'm so sorry for doing a fifth part but SOMEONE gave me another idea


Patton blinked rapidly, squinting at the soft white glow that seemed to penetrate against the walls in his room. He slowly sat up, surveying everyone around him, confused to why they were crying. He asked, but no one responded. He reached out to cup Virgil's face and wipe away the tears, but the boy didn't seem to notice, and when he fell to the ground, he slipped right out of Patton's soft grip.

He looked down at the bed, gasping quietly when he saw...himself. Laying peacefully against the mattress, blanket drawn to his chest, lips parted, crinkles that are usually always on show from his permanent smile smoothed out. He looked...younger, almost. Calmer. Without the worry of his family on his shoulders, he could finally relax.

Shuffling away from his body, he slowly slipped off the bed, stepping over his grandchildren who were weeping on the floor, pressing his back against the wall of the room. He was oddly composed with the idea that he had died - this was his time, but he was expecting it, he is quite old, it was coming, whether it be natural or not.

He felt a presence beside him. Glancing over, he saw a figure draped in a black cloak, hand holding a long scythe.

"It's time to go" they murmured, voice comforting in such a dark situation.

Patton smiled. "Code word?"

Death paused, they glanced over at the family, then back to him.


Unaware to the family, Patton slipped right by, through the doorway, down the stairs and passed the front door all the while holding death's free hand.

Patton hoped one day - not one day soon, but one day - he would see his family again.

No ragrets


Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 4Where stories live. Discover now