Don't touch - Patton & Coram Deo

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Trigger warning: Death, weapons, slight mentions of depression

I found this YouTube, Alex Meyers, and I highly recommend you watch his videos. He basically watches and reviews average-ish shows on Netflix and Disney channel and also movies, but in the most hilarious ways. I love each of his videos, so check him out!


"Salve, Roman!" Patton called to his older brother after he came home from school. The boy grinned at the sight of his brother, dropping his bag in the hallway before kneeling in front of the young boy. "Greetings, still battling that Latin?" Patton nodded enthusiastically, shoving forward his note book filled with translations.

"Te amo!" He giggled and Roman smiled lovingly. "I love you, too" Roman hovered his hand above Patton's head as if he was about to ruffle it, then shook his hand as if he were, miming the action. Patton grinned and flicked his head so his hair covered his eyes as if Roman did actually touch him, making the teenage boy smile broaden before he stood up and hurried up the staircase.

Around Patton, the world faded to darkness as his eyes suddenly opened and he was staring at the white ceiling above him. That dream- or memory happened many years ago, they always occur around this time, around the anniversary of his brother's death.

Sighing out sorrowfully, he sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. It was an early summers morning and school had just ended a week ago. Looking over at his calendar he eyed the date and slumped even further. Today was the day.

He slid out from bed and grabbed his bag, it was nearly full of most of the stuff he would need, now he just needed to add a few more clothes and he would be done. Crossing his room to his drawers, he grabbed two shirts and a pair of jeans, while rummaging his eyes landed on a picture frame sitting on the desk, it was of him and Roman when the two were younger, Roman's arm hovering over Patton's shoulder, camera in his other hand.

"I'll avenge you, Roman" Patton murmured, lifting the picture and holding it to his chest, "I promise" he whispered then set it back down.

"I'll be back later!" Patton called to his dads, Logan and Virgil, who sat in the living room on separate arm chairs. Logan looked up from a book while Virgil stopped scrolling through his phone. "Alright, call if you need anything" Patton nodded and gave them both one more lingering look before he opened and shut the door, breathing in a long gulp of air before he walked down the pathway to his gate.

Before stepping onto the pavement he looked both ways, making sure no human was coming. When he was sure he was alone, he stepped out from his front yard, closing the gate behind him. Across the pavement were four lines indicating the path to walk down on. The blue lines went left, the reds right. Patton needed to go right and that was the ones on the furthest side of the pavement, the safest side.

He stepped into the blue lines then over to the red, gripping the straps of his bag before he turned right and began his walk.

He hadn't come across many people that day, most were in cars, driving to do their weekly grocery shopping. The people he did see, however, were either across the road from him or walking between the blue lines.

By the time he reached the busier part of town, it was nearing ten am. He still had half an hour to get where he needed to be, otherwise they would leave without him, and he needed to be there. He was going to avenge his brother if it was the last thing he ever did. And it will be.

He slowed to a stop at the end of the pavement he was walking on, waiting until there was a gap between the people before he slipped into the space between the red lines and followed down the path. Every pavement in the world was split off into two rows, going left and going right, everyone had to walk whatever pace the one ahead were going if they wanted to survive. It was why many people preferred to use cars - less chance that they would die.

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