Fateful camping trip - Roman x Virgil & Patton x Logan

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Woah nelly I need to P I S S


"Coming!" Patton called over his shoulder when his friends asked for him to hurry up. He was currently laying out his bed in his tent ready for tonight. Emptying his bag of his clothes and other things he wouldn't need for their hike, he kept his valuables inside and tucked the bag onto his shoulders, looking at everything once more before he nodded his head happily and clambered out the tent, zipping it close and skipping over to his three friends who were standing close to the beaten out path.

"Let's go!" He squeaked in joy, gripping Logan's inviting hand.

Roman led the way with Virgil in tow, the two quipping back and forth with who was the better navigator, while Patton and Logan followed from behind, focusing more on the beautiful scenery surrounding them, the light shining through the leaves and logs perfectly. They were walking for half an hour before they came across an opening covered with the leaves high above them. In the middle was a bench that overlooked the land below the cliff they were on, the large lake twinkling under the suns glow.

Patton sat on the bench while the other three stood in front of a board that held a sign, each arguing over where they were, and which way they should go next. Suddenly, Patton felt a twisting pain in his stomach, and in confusion he wrapped an arm around it, feeling something leak into his boxers, his face paled with realisation. Suddenly feeling sick, he grabbed his bag and searched through the pockets, almost wailing in grief when he realised he left his pads in his tent. Shit. The others didn't know he was transgender yet, and he didn't want to tell them, he didn't want them treating him differently.

In his distress, he didn't notice Virgil walk over, flinching when the boy asked if he was alright. 

"Me?" Patton chuckled nervously, shifting uncomfortably. "Yes! I'm a-okay, Kiddo!" He reassured in an unbelievable one, throwing his bag onto his back. "Why don't we get back to the campsite? It's getting late" he suggested, his voice holding a begging undertone.

"Late? It's only five! We're so close to the cherry blossoms!" Roman whined, crossing his arms like a child. Logan rolled his eyes, but agreed with Roman, as this trip was purposefully done to see those trees. In the end, Virgil agreed with them, too, to try and shut Roman up, so Patton had no choice but to follow. He also cursed himself when he realised he left his painkillers behind, too.

They only walked for ten minutes more before they found the cherry blossoms, Roman gushing about their beauty while Logan and Virgil admired them silently. Patton resorted to leaning against one, both arms curled around his stomach, face twisted with pain. Usually he had precautions for his time of the month due to how agonising the pain was, but he had none of that on him, and in the middle of the woods, he couldn't exactly pop to the shop and buy a hot water bottle.

In his pained state, he slid to the ground and let out a high-pitched groan, clenching his hands into fists, it was almost as if his uterus was twisting itself around, purposely giving Patton as much pain as he could go through. Through his grunts and moans of displeasure, the others caught on and hurried over, Logan kneeling in front of him to ask what was wrong, only to receive a shake of the head and a worry-building whimper.

"Patton, what ever is the matter?" Roman bent down, placing a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. In that moment, Patton knew he would have to tell the truth, and that made him burst into tears - that and the pain. "Oh, Patton" Roman soothed, wrapping him into a hug. Roman and Patton were definitely the comforters of the group, while Virgil and Logan preferred to try and solve the problem bothering their friends - as they didn't know the problem, they felt useless as they watched Patton cry against Roman's chest, gripping his own forearms rather tightly.

Quite easily Roman scooped the distraught man up, and they all headed back to camp in silence, knowing Patton couldn't answer any of their questions at the moment.

Roman laid him down in his tent and they all waited outside, but when his cries of pain became worse, they contemplated phoning emergency services! He was writhing and shaking, Logan finally had enough and climbed into the tent, eyes landing on a red splotch on the crotch of his trousers. At first, he didn't know what to think, then he understood, and his heart broke.

Kneeling beside the man, he leaned down and kissed his forehead lovingly, telling him to lay down on his back and try to relax. Patton did just that, watching through teary eyes as Logan searched through his stuff, obtaining new boxers, a pair of pyjamas, and a pad.

Patton sniffled, slowly sitting up, even with the agonising pain settling in his stomach. "Thank you" he whispered brokenly, allowing Logan to help him stand and lead him to the public toilets just a little ways away from their campsite.

Logan didn't leave until Patton had finished, and he even carried his dirty clothes for him. "I'm sorry" Patton whispered when they were both inside his tent again, Patton just finished taking a few painkillers and food to keep his blood sugar high.

"Don't be. I understand why you didn't tell us, but nevertheless, you're still my boyfriend, and this does not make you any less of a man" Patton nearly broke down again, instead he gripped Logan into a tight hug, which ended with them both cuddled together inside the sleeping bag.

The next day, Patton told Virgil and Roman, much like with Logan, he obtained positive responses, and even with mild cramps during the day, he never felt happier.



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