I'll never be better than you - Roman & Teddy

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All of Roman Rose's life was spent being busy. Ever since he learned how to walk he felt like he was always pushed to be better. He and his twin brother Teddy Patel Rose were treated fairly similar for many years when they were children - they were both homeschooled throughly, learning stuff no child their age were being taught elsewhere, their intellectual levels were outstandingly high for their age - yet there was always one problem.

Teddy was better than Roman.

And it was notable from the start.

He walked before Roman. He talked before Roman. He learned before Roman. He managed to dress himself, bathe himself, feed himself, use the potty himself, all before Roman. And every single time Roman was so close, but he was always one step behind. And it didn't bother him at first, he was just a child at the time, he didn't really understand, but as he aged, he slowly started to.

He realised his parents attention were on Teddy rather than on him. And he adored attention. He and Teddy were taught how to do skilful things - and somehow, even with the same amount of time and effort from both, Teddy could do better. Why was that? Roman beat himself up about it all the time. Why was Teddy better than him at everything? It seemed impossible from the fact they were both the same. But apparently they weren't. One big giant difference between them; Teddy was better than Roman.

And did their parents ever let Roman live that down? No. They brought it up whenever they could. Always telling Roman to be better, to be more like Teddy. Draw like Teddy, sing like Teddy, dance like Teddy, be better in school like Teddy, blah blah blah like Teddy! Roman couldn't escape it. No matter how much he tried and tried. He couldn't stop their onslaught.

It came to a point Roman tried to differ from what Teddy did. He managed to create and do his own things, showing them off, but every time Teddy seemed to whisk away their parent's attention by something he had done, too. Something better. Always something better.

It taught Roman how to act; it taught him he had to be better, and he was going to be better; someday. One day he was going to earn their approval, their praise. And Teddy would never stop him. Not for anything. Roman wouldn't allow it.

For years, he did everything in his power to up-step his brother. He managed to get into the best collage in the country before his brother; turns out he was too smart and moved directly to university instead. Roman grabbed and sustained a high paying, well respected job - Teddy didn't. Why? Because Teddy didn't need a job. Instead, he traveled the world and did extraordinary things in different countries. He helped people from poverty, he made charities, he fed the homeless, he built houses, he did everything someone would want to do in their life.

And Roman tried; he truly did. At some points he did the exact same as Teddy, yet it was never enough. It would never be enough. And it took too long for Roman to realise this.

Roman was twenty seven when he met his now best friend; Virgil.

He was lost and Virgil helped him home. Since then, Roman couldn't get the boy out of his mind. When he had those rare moments of free time, he would find the other, and spend as much time with him as he could before either had to go back home. Roman didn't know why he needed to be with Virgil; but he did. He felt strong urges to just be with the man - and they didn't really know each other back then. He felt it nearly as strongly as his urge to win praise from his parents.

Who knew that man just saved his life.

It was an extremely important night to Roman. He and his brother were at an event, a party of sorts, with many special guests. They were both invited, and tonight was the night Roman would prove himself. For twenty seven fucking years he would've done anything and everything to get his parents approval, to get one smile, anything.

And tonight was his night. Or so he thought. Until he got a text from Virgil. He was home, and he was having a mild panic attack. The chances of it becoming worse were low, and all Virgil needed was someone to talk to for a few minutes and he'd be fine. And in that moment everything stopped. He was almost up on stage in front of everyone, including his parents, and he was about to prove himself, to them all, but that text was more than a simple few misspelt words, they were like a punch in the face from reality. What was Roman doing?

He would much rather be at home with Virgil, watching movies, laughing, enjoying the company of his best friend. Why was he here? Trying to impress two people who have never once showed any interest in him? He felt like a puppy crawling back to their owner even after they were kicked away again and again and again.

He pocketed his phone, smiled at the crew around him, and left. He went straight to Virgil's home, calmed him down, and spent time with him. Virgil knew what tonight was to Roman - and still couldn't get over the shock that he would chose him over this. Something he has basically worked his entire life towards. And when he was asked by his family about it, he replied with something simple and admittedly the last thing he ever said to them all;

"I'll never be better than you, and you know what?

That's okay. I don't need to be. Have a good life, Teddy, because I sure will"


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