Came to say goodbye 2 - Roman x Virgil

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Trigger warning: implied suicide


"And you promise to stay safe for me?" Roman reinforced to Virgil who sat beside him in his car, gripping both of his hands tightly. Virgil sighed, for that had been the sixth time Roman had said this. "Yes, Princey, sheesh, and I'm the one with anxiety" he joked. Roman chuckled and leaned over, kissing his lips softly for only a few seconds.

"I care about you" Roman excused his behaviour and let Virgil go. He watched as the boy waved and walked up to his house, opening and closing the door.

He pulled out of the driveway and began to drive home.

"Rosie" Roman said her name in confusion, raising his eyebrow when she suddenly appeared in front of him. "What are you doing here?"

Roman shook his head and ran a hand through his hair, resting his elbow on his door and pressing harder on the pedal. "Never trust abruptness"

"That's no way to greet your best friend" she laughed jokingly, sitting beside Roman on the bench he usually waited on for his dad to pick him up.

Roman's grip on the steering wheel tightened, eyes narrowed slightly as his body tensed and straightened, "never trust happiness" Roman whispered under his breath.

"I decided I'm going to walk home today" she smiled in determination and pride, nodding her head to reinforce the idea to herself. Roman laughed and leaned back on the bench, pocketing his phone. "You might lose your lazy-crown"

Roman felt his eyes sting, cursing under his breath when he missed a red light. He was going too fast to even notice it before he could stop. It doesn't really matter, the road was pretty much abandoned, anyway. "Never trust change" he muttered bitterly.

Rosie elbowed her friend in his gut, glaring at him as he gripped his side and laughed. "Whatever. You'll see! Watch! I'm walking right now!" She stood up and began walking in circles around the bench. "Will you even make it home?" Roman mocked, all in good fun. She glared again, crossing her arms. "Of course I will!"

He had passed the speed limit awhile ago, and he definitely wasn't on route to his house. He didn't really know where he was, he just went in a direct straight line out of town and into the quiet village not too far away. "Never trust promises"

"Alright, I believe you" Roman held his hand up in surrender. She nodded and smiled again, sitting back down beside Roman and giving him a long, tight hug. It confused him, but he hugged back anyway, smiling like she was.

At this point Roman was surrounded by trees, the road nearly entirely covered by fallen, burnt red leaves. He hadn't passed by another car for what felt like forever. He knows he should slow down - but he couldn't. He just kept going, ever so slightly increasing his speed. "Never trust hugs"

"What was that for?" Roman questioned, but she didn't respond. Instead, she leaned forward and tapped Roman's nose affectionately. "To answer your first question; I came to say goodbye"

The road was barren for so long, Roman barely even registered the deer that had hopped onto the road. When his eyes finally focused on it, he gasped and slammed his foot onto the pedal, unable to move his arms that seemed to freeze in shock, he couldn't swerve the car, so he just pressed painfully against the seatbelt as his car came to a screeching halt. Luckily, directly in front of the deer who quickly scampered away.

Roman breathed out heavily and slumped into his seat, his car paused in the middle of nowhere.

"Never" he muttered, changing the gear to reverse his car, "ever" he carried on, turning the car to come back the way he came.

"Trust goodbyes"


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