Passed out - Virgil x Roman

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"Virgil!" The teacher called, pointedly staring at the student in the back corner of the classroom, sitting beside his boyfriend, Roman, on the two seater desks. Everyone in the class turned their heads to stare, especially Virgil's friends who sat around them. Remy, who sat next to Deceit, leaned back in their chair, chewing the end of their pencil.

"Oi, babes, wake him up!" They hissed to Roman who turned to his boyfriend and slowly shook his shoulder, but he didn't stir. Patton and Logan were sitting in front of the two, so Patton pushed his chair closer and murmured softly next to his ear to try and wake him up, but that didn't work either. Deceit smirked and grabbed his rubber, throwing it across the room, feeling elated when it bounced off of Virgil's head. Although, his smirk fell into a frown when Remy flicked his forehead with their painted orange and red nails.

"Virgil, this is no place to sleep" the teacher carried on scolding, rounding the table to stand beside his desk. Roman was actually starting to become worried, he shifted in his seat and wrapped one arm around his shoulders, using the other to pull up his head. His eyes were closed, and his body flopped around like a rag doll. Logan quickly stood up and bent across the desk, pressing his fingers against his neck - he visibly relaxed in relief when he confirmed he was still alive.

The classroom soon began to fall into chatter as they watched the group of friends try and wake the emo boy up, but however much they shook him, and created noise, he wasn't waking. "Roman, can you take him to the nurses' office?" The regal boy agreed and scooped him up bridal style, motioning Patton to follow. The boy agreed and the two left, Patton even reached over and gripped onto Virgil's hand tightly, increasingly concerned as to why he wouldn't awaken.

A little over an hour passed and Roman was still waiting in the office. Patton had went back to his class once the bell had rung, and Roman later received a text in the group chat they were all in, explaining they'd be at their usual meet up point. It was currently last lesson, and Roman was half tempted to ignore the nurses' words of advice and just call for an ambulance.

While he tapped his foot against the ground to distract his worrisome thoughts, Virgil yawned and stretched his arms above his head, eyelids heavy as he tried to peel them open. He groaned when they stung from the light, alerting Roman who jumped to his feet and held a hand against Virgil's cheek.

"Hey, Dearest" He murmured gently, leaning down to kiss him softly. Virgil lazily opened his eyes to send him a half smile, leaning into his comforting touch. "How long was I out?" He asked in a groggy voice. Roman snorted, showing him the time. "The afternoon" he laughed when Virgil groaned again, easing himself up while rubbing his tired eyes.

"Shit...sorry..why didn't you wake me?"

Roman threw his arms up a bit. "We tried! We all did! But you wouldn't wake up!" He accused, pressing a finger to his chest, smiling to show he was joking. Virgil rolled his eyes, tipping his legs over the side of the bed to stand up. He wobbled a bit, but gained balance and picked up his bag.

"Whatever, moron, lets get to class.."

"What's left of it" Roman added, yelping when he was elbowed in the gut.



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