It's a boy - Virgil & Desire & Leto x Athena

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As you can see I am throughly enjoying the female sides


Virgil was running. Running faster than he had ever ran in his life. His feet hit against the floor harshly, his lungs burned, his heart thumped rapidly, but he couldn't stop, not yet, they were still chasing him, he could hear their taunting laughter behind him, they were catching, he couldn't keep this up forever.

He daren't even glance over his shoulder as he knew that would slow him down, but the more he ran, the more he moved away from civilisation. Why didn't he at least try and venture of to town!? At least then he could've hid inside of building, or garnered the help of an adult!

He could feel tears falling away from his face as fear struck his stomach painfully hard, he could see their shadows coming up closer to his, they were nearing, so close, their hand reached out to grab the back of his collar, but in that same moment one of the boys yelled and they stopped, almost instantly, but Virgil didn't, he kept on, incase it was a trap.

Before him was a hedge, a thick one at that, covered, crossed and tangled with large, sharp spikes poking out from the plants they were attached to. A special type of bramble. Virgil didn't care; he also didn't care to remember this type of bramble only grew on a certain hedge they were all ordered to stay away from.

He fell onto his stomach and crawled through a small gap towards the bottom he was sure an animal dug through, he hissed and cried out when the spikes would drag and cut his skin, but he pushed forward, closer and closer to the light at the other side. He couldn't hear their voices anymore - he knew they wouldn't follow him.

Eternity and more passed before Virgil reached the end; at least that's what it felt like. He rolled onto his back, blood seeping out through his wounds, but as he stared at the blue sky above him, he sighed out. Safe at-last.

But the feeling didn't linger long; for he realised something that shook him to his core. He was outside his world. He had crawled through the hedge. The forbidden hedge. He then realised the two of them standing tall either side of him, going up for miles; it was said no one has ever seen the top of them before, they grew up higher than the clouds, and it was impossible to cut down.

They also went across the world in a very straight circle, two of them, parallel to each other, never once touching, just curving around the earth, cutting one side off from the other.

The side of men and the side of woman.

The two genders hadn't interacted for millions of years, as all history books state. It was illegal to do so thousands of years ago, but Virgil didn't know if those rules still held up. Nothing has really happened for those rules to be needed, really. There hasn't been a case of a man and a woman of interacting since the old ages.

Virgil stood up, shakily looked at the gashes on his arms and winced, feeling hatred enhance for the boys that decided to chase him; that torment his everyday, turning it into hell, why? Because he's an orphan; an easy target with no one that cared.

For awhile he wandered between the gap of man and woman, it was a long strip of land going the entire way around the Earth, nothing grew there apart from grass, and nothing from the hedge hung out over it, as if it was continuously cut and kept neat, but Virgil knew that wasn't the case, no one touches the hedge. No man, anyway - he didn't know what the women did.

He didn't know if he wanted to find out, either. They had no way of telling how women acted; some say their ruthless, cruel, horrid people, others say they're nurturers, kind and loving. He didn't know what to believe.

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