Vampire boyfriend - Roman x Virgil

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HEY, LISTEN, I'm currently writing a new book with Virgil and Roman in it - it'll be up soon - when it is up, read it.

Virgil is a vampire. Roman is transgender (FTM).

Trigger warning: smut


Virgil watched his boyfriend laze around on his bed for the entire day, making complaint after complaint after complaint. If it wasn't from his cramps, it was because he was hungry, or thirsty, or needed the toilet, and wanted Virgil to carry him, or if it wasn't any of those, it was because Roman was cold, or hot, or bored.

Throughout the day, Virgil had to leave the bedroom many times before he would suck out the last remaining gallons of his blood. Roman always found a way to piss him off so much he needed to physically drain something before he was calm again. But, due to the fact there weren't any humans around here currently, and he couldn't be bothered to go outside and hunt for animals, he was stuck with the blood he had stored downstairs in the basement.

But it was never as good.

He was debating killing Roman then and there, as he always had the itching feeling to do so, even if he was in love with the stupid human, but because of his emotions - emotions he couldn't just burn - he physically would never be able to kill the man that's currently rolling around on his bed, probably staining the sheets with his blood.

Suddenly, Virgil paused in the hallway, eyes widening as he replayed the thought that swirled around in his head.


A wicked smirk crept across his face as he waltzed into the room, stopping at the end of the bed. Roman had one arm around his stomach, the other over his face as he tried to bare through the dull, throbbing pain that wrapped around his insides. Virgil felt bad that he couldn't make the pain disappear, but at this moment it wasn't his main priority.

Crawling onto the bed, he gently sat on Roman's thighs, making him remove his arm and stare at his boyfriend with furrowed eyebrows. "Virgil" he whined, "it hurts!" He dragged out like a child, writhing on the bed for a few moments until Virgil clamped his hands on his waist, forcing him to stop and glare.

"I'll help" Virgil told him, waiting until he huffed out, crossing his arms as he waited for him to work his magic or whatever. Instead, though, Virgil pulled down Roman's pyjama bottoms, throwing them to the side. He blushed deeply, slowly using his elbows to prop himself up.

"Dearest..?" He murmured softly, watching with furrowed eyebrows as Virgil rubbed his inner thighs, wrinkling his nose up a little. "It doesn't smell the same" he commented, not noticing the deep crimson colour that washed across Roman's cheeks. He suddenly realised what his boyfriend was planning to do and he didn't know if he wanted to go through with it or not.

It's...that's...disgusting, right?

"What does it taste like?" Virgil carried on as if this were normal, making Roman turn his head to the side, unable to watch him. "I...I don't know!" Roman cried, flopping back down to cover his burning face. He heard Virgil chuckle before his hands slipped under the waste-band of his boxers, slowly pulling them down while trailing kisses over his lower stomach, making Roman hum out in content, even if the pain was still prominent.

Once his clothes were out of the way, Roman waited in anticipation, wondering if he'd it. For the five years he's been with this vampire, not once has he ever tried to do this, or made any moves to show that he did want to do it! Why now? Why so suddenly?

His thoughts were abruptly cut short when Virgil's cold tongue suddenly trailed up against him, eliciting a gasp from the man who clenched the bedsheets in his hands, waiting patiently to see if he would do it again, or be completely disgusted by the taste. To his surprise, and horror, Virgil sat up a little, licking his bloody lips with a smirk.

"It..." he paused, "it's zesty" he shrugged, making Roman stifle a laugh, throwing his head back as he tried to process the whole thing, but Virgil leaned back down, sucking up as much blood as he could into his mouth, engulfing it down his throat. It didn't taste exactly the same, he could still detect the addicting metallic, but it held something else he couldn't describe. He didn't like it any less, but if he had a choice, he would much rather plunge his fangs into Roman's neck and draw out his mouth-watering, succulent deep red blood.

While he relentlessly sucked up the blood that leaked out of him, Roman was a mess, his back arched high in the air as he shamelessly moaned out cries of pleasure, the pain from the cramps subsiding to be taken over by the feeling of ecstasy. He hasn't felt this good in a long time, and with each movement Virgil's tongue made, Roman let out a high pitched wail, his knuckles turning white with the grip they had on the poor blanket under him.

Virgil pushed his hips up higher, getting a better angle to shove his tongue inside of Roman's hole, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the moment, the noises that echoed around him turning him on, his cock pressed painfully hard against his tight black skinny jeans.

In his hands, Roman shook as the pleasure became overwhelming, and without warning for the vampire, Roman released on his tongue, but the vampire didn't care, he lapped it up along with the last remaining droplets of blood, letting his boyfriend ride out his orgasm before he fell completely against the bed, still shaking as he calmed down from his high.

Virgil chuckled, using the back of his hand to wipe his mouth, pulling up Roman's boxers once more. He licked his hand, wiping away his saliva on his jeans as he draped a blanket across Roman's body, leaning down to kiss his forehead gently.

"How's the pain now?" He grinned, knowing that it probably sorted it out for quite awhile. Roman only smiled back, out of breath as he panted. "Bearable" he breathed out, watching Virgil stalk back to his chair, throwing his legs over the thick arm rest.

Roman looked back up at the white ceiling, a few moments of silence passed before he spoke up.

"Will you ever do that again?"

Virgil chuckled, shooting him a smirk, showing off his pearly white fangs.

"Every month"

At first, I was hesitant about writing this, but then I was like hell yeah I wouldn't mind being Roman in this situation


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