Excuse me? - Remy & Nyx

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I spent an age looking for the perfect female names for the sides and I finally have them all! With the help of my friendo Lex

Virgil's female name is Nyx (pronounced Nicks)
Nyx being the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night

I have female names for the others, too! But I'll use them when I decide to make a OneShot with another side being transgender (MTF)


"You sure you'll be chill with it?" Remy asked their best friend who currently sat beside them in their chemistry lesson. In all lessons they have together the two have managed to be able to snatch a seat beside the other, it has caused outrage from other students as the classrooms are always set out 'boy/girl' but due to the fact Remy is non-binary they don't count as either male or female, so faculty can't exactly force them to sit beside a girl or a boy, so they allow them to stay with Nyx.

Nyx shrugged her shoulders and wobbled her lower lip between her teeth. For awhile now she has debated whether or not to come out to the school as trans. It destroys her everyday being called 'Virgil' and people using he/him pronouns when referring to her, but she's extremely anxious about the responses from the teenagers and teachers.

Course, the teachers can't in anyway be rude or snide to her about it, and she knows most of them are accepting, but there are a few everyone knows who are either homophobic, transphobic or both. Unfortunately never enough evidence of this has been able to get them fired, so the school is stuck with them.

Still, even if her worries can be settled about the teachers; what about the students? Nearly all of them either don't mind or don't care, and will call someone by their real pronouns and name, but there are a few clusters of the bullies who think it's wrong or unnatural. Nyx strays away from them as much as she can but sometimes in the hallway she can hear them being rude to students who pass who are outwardly gay and "different from the norm" - it angers and upsets Nyx's to the point she has to hide away to calm down.

However, Nyx knows for a fact all of her friends will stick up for her until the end, and she was sure Remy and Roman would beat up anyone who says one wrong thing about her if she were to come out; so really...what was holding her back?

Her internal, raging anxiety, of course.

But she didn't want to let her friends down; she knew they wouldn't be disappointed but she has talked about coming out for awhile and saying 'today will be the day' - so she guessed today was the day. She couldn't tell if she was ready or not and didn't really want to think too hard about it incase she were to back out, so she shook her head, looked up at Remy and smiled with a slight nod.

"I'm sure" she agreed.

Remy nodded and turned back forward, tapping their pen decorated with dark blue glitter against the desk. They had planned to come out to the teacher of their first period and thankfully it was one of the nicest teachers in the school; Mrs. Bonner. (Many rumours have spread about her having a wife).

As soon as the bell rang throughout the classroom Nyx tensed and Remy grabbed ahold of her hand, shooting her their award-winning smirk. "Nows the time, bitch"

Nyx's 'coming out' to this teacher all depended on if Mrs. Bonner said the right thing to them as they left the class; most teachers do say it to Remy and Nyx as they make sure to be the last to leave because Nyx hates crowds and would rather trail behind them to her next class.

With their stuff packed away and nearly everyone out the doorway, Nyx's hands shook with nerves but she shoved them into her pocket so Remy wouldn't notice. Mrs. Bonner looked up at the two with a smile, picking up a few pieces of paper from the floor.

"Have a nice day, boys!"

There it was. Boys.

Suddenly, Remy gasped and slapped a hand to their chest, eyebrows creasing in offence as they stared at Mrs. Bonner who tilted her head in confusion. Nyx wanted to shrink into a ball and disappear in that exact moment. "Excuse me?" Remy questioned, taking a step closer to the teacher. The thing about Remy was they didn't care about being rude to anyone; it has landed them in many, many detentions in the past but nothing can stop them from being themselves.

"What's wrong, Rem?" She asked, completely confused, even glancing at Nyx for some sort of answer but she was staring at the naked wall as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"I don't think you'd take it very kindly if I were to call you two people, Mrs" Remy accused, crossing one arm over their chest, the other holding their Starbucks cup as they always buy a Starbucks in the morning.

Mrs. Bonner stared at them for awhile, eyes narrowed in concentration as she tried to understand what the hell Remy was talking about. "But I didn't" she responded, "I said boys-...." she then glanced at Nyx who was slowly shuffling towards the doorway. "Oh" she murmured, wriggling her eyebrows at Remy who nodded and grinned, nudging their head at Nyx.

"Meet Nyx - she doesn't take very kindly to being called a boy" Remy noisily sipped from their coffee afterwards. Nyx stole a glance in the teachers direction, relaxing internally when she saw her smiling kindly and slowly walking up to her. "Nyx, huh? I've never heard of that one before" she commented, stopping in front of Nyx so she couldn't leave just yet.

"I'm happy you can trust me with this, Nyx" she began, coaxing the girl to lift her head and gaze at her through her growing bangs. "You know there's never a rush, though, you come out to your own accord" how could it be that she knew Nyx's worries just like that? Without Nyx even saying anything? She didn't know and probably never would but couldn't be more glad for the reassurance.

Managing a shaky smile, Nyx nodded and thanked her quietly. "Go on to class now, have a nice day, Remy, Nyx" with that, Mrs. Bonner returned to her desk and allowed the two to leave.

"That hoe would've had a face full of coffee if she said anything rude" Remy murmured, more than happy that she was accepting, a tad disappointed they couldn't unleash their protective side. Nyx snorted and nudged her shoulder into Remy's. "And you would've been suspended, then where would I be?"

Rent rolled their eyes, "whatever girl, she would've had it coming"

"Can't you celebrate the fact she was nice? I sure can" Nyx added on the end, mostly to herself, relieved she didn't have to deal with any odd looks or disapproval first thing in the morning. "I guess" Remy finally succumbed, "who's next, then?"

Nyx visibly winced, she was happy she told Mrs. Bonner but she didn't think she wanted to tell anyone else today. She was comfortable with her five close friends knowing and one teacher for now, so she smiled meekly up at Remy who cocked an eyebrow and finally finished their Starbucks, much to their disappointment.

"Can we uh...leave it? For a few days? Weeks...maybe...I don't know- I just-..."

"I get it, girl" Remy cut them off, and by their slight smile Nyx could tell they were about to get into their 'serious side' which was something that never sees the light of day. "Felt the same when I was coming out" they shrugged nonchalantly, throwing their cup into the passing bin.

"You came out on the first day of school?" Nyx chuckled, shaking her head at the remembrance, god was it a theatrical performance if anything. Admittedly Roman set the entire thing up.

"I try to be sentimental and I get this! Fuck" Remy rolled their eyes, "anywhore, before I came out, you bitch, I felt the same, wanting to keep it a secret from most until I was ready. For years only my dad knew, so put a sock in it and come out when you're ready" Nyx knew the insults held no meaning behind them, so she grinned at Remy who was unable to stop grinning in response.

"Can't imagine what I would do without you" Nyx commented with a sigh.

"You wouldn't survive"


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