Suck my dick - Roman x Virgil

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Do Americans know the show called "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here"?


"Oh, fuck off, Roman" the snappy barista sighed into the phone, absentmindedly wiping down the counter while listening to his boyfriend. "I called to be nice! You're the one who got snippy, Sunshine!" Virgil rolled his eyes, "yeah, whatever, sir-sing-a-lot; are you done?"

Roman huffed on the other end, "yes, I am! But, another thing-!" Virgil hung up before he could continue, placing his phone on the counter. When it began to ring again, he expected it, not looking at the ID as he knew who it was, he answered and held the device up to his ear.

"Suck my dick" was his opening line, and in that moment he felt life drain from his body, for that laughter didn't belong to Roman, it was a girls laugh, and he definitely didn't have any girls in his contacts. Oh no. He just said 'suck my dick' to a stranger. He was horrified.

"Hello to you too, Virgil" the woman spoke with the few remains of laughter on her tongue. Virgil hunched over the counter and slapped a hand over his face that was flushed in embarrassment. "God, I'm so sorry, I thought you were my boyfriend..." then, he paused, and straightened up. "Who are you? How'd you know my name?"

The woman laughed again, but it wasn't mocking, it was kind, "oh, I feel this will make you feel worse" she giggled, "I'm Roman's mother"

Yep. She was correct. It made it worse, alright. He slid to the ground, curling up, mortified. In that moment, he wanted a thunder bolt to strike down and kill him - end him of his suffering. His first words ever spoke to his boyfriend's mother was 'suck my dick' - first impressions are everything, and that was something for the history books.

"Oh my god.." Virgil whispered, and Roman's mother could hear the horror mixing with his words. "Oh, honey, don't worry about it! I heard that all the time as a teen!" Virgil nearly choked on air, sitting up and letting his legs stretch out a bit. Roman did warn Virgil about his mother, she was currently single and made too many sexual references/jokes for her own good. In that moment, Virgil knew he would love her.

"Please don't tell Roman" Virgil begged, hiding his face behind his hand. "Don't worry, this will be our little secret" Virgil chuckled, shaking his head. He was such a fucking idiot.

A few months since the incident, Virgil and Roman were stepping into Roman's mothers home for the party she had created and invited them too. This would be the first time they met, and as soon as they shook hands and smiled at each other, they fell into laughter Roman didn't understand.

"Is that offer still on the table?" She joked, but it still made Virgil choke and splutter. She laughed heartily.

"Oh, honey, I thought choking was my job"

Yeah, it was official. Virgil loved Roman's mother.


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