Uncomfortable - Logan x Roman & Patton x Virgil

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Trigger warning: Mentions of past self harm


"Ugh!" Virgil sighed, standing up to rip off his jacket, throwing it inside his open tent behind him. "Why is it so hot!?" He exasperated, flopping onto the floor, purple t-shirt clinging to his sweaty body, every inch of his bare skin lathered in sunscreen. Beside him, Roman was slumped on a beach chair, wearing only a pair of boxers as he laid out in the sun, periodically tipping some water down his body. "I don't know; but I'm dying!" He replied dramatically, grabbing an umbrella to hold over himself.

Patton had emerged from the tent wearing thigh-high shorts and a tank top that revealed the skin around his stomach, skin glistened with a light layer of sweat. "We should be inside with air conditioning" Virgil groaned from his spot on the floor, staring at Logan who was sitting with knee-high shorts and a long sleeved shirt. He was calmly reading a book in the shade, but Virgil could see the beads of sweat fall from his forehead.

"Dude; what the fuck?" He questioned, Logan looking up as he did. "Language, Angel" Patton called, sitting cross-legged under the shade of a tree. "How do you survive?!" Roman breathed heavily, gulping more of his cold water they keep in the ice bag(?). Logan shrugged, flipping the page in his book lightly, "I am fine" he replied, but Virgil sat up, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I have a spare top if you need it-" he offered, but Logan cut him off. "No, I do not like short sleeves" this made everyone stare at him curiously. "Why not?" Patton cocked his head, eyes wide and Puppy like. Logan sighed, realising he had dug himself a grave here, and there was no way out. "It makes others uncomfortable" he excused, shutting his book with the bookmark situated between the pages.

Everyone stared at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" Virgil shook his head and laid back down. "S'fine, you won't make anyone uncomfortable here"

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Roman commented, slowly sitting up to watch Logan's face closely. The man shook his head, "no, no. I am quite confident with my body" he said in a believable tone, Logan had never made any sort of indication he wasn't, so they all trusted what he said. Although, they reminded him they didn't care if he wore a t-shirt, so Patton grabbed him a spare and let him change.

"Are you sure?" Logan asked one final time, gripping the edge of his shirt. "Yeah, just do it" Virgil groaned lightly, shifting his body so he was closer to Patton who giggled and pecked his cheek.

Logan nodded and slowly pulled the shirt from his body, it clung to his sweat but he was able to get it off without hassle. As soon as his arms were on show, everyone simultaneously understood why Logan never wore short sleeves. From his wrist up to the dent in his elbow were scars; some small and faded, others bumpy and ragged. All eyes were on them for a few moments before they awkwardly looked away, giving him looks of concern and sympathy.

Logan popped his head through the top of the t-shirt and settled against his seat again, easing their worries before they could ask. "No, I do not still self harm" he explained, scooping up his book. "I stopped when I turned seventeen. I suppose my teenage years were..." he adjusted his glasses, "undesirable, at best. But I am fine now" he even reassured them with a slight kink of his lips.

Later that day, when the two couples were laying in their own tents, Roman rolled onto his side and gently stroked his hand across Logan's forearm. "I love you, Gumdrop" he murmured into the darkness, barely able to see the outline of Logan's face, but he saw that adorable, crooked smile.

"As I you, Romeo"


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