One in the same - Roman & Deceit

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Guess what gays

To Kill A Mockingbird has a mother fucking sequel and it's great so far

Deceit stood in the doorway to Roman's room, originally he had come here to return a book he had loaned from the side a few weeks ago, but after spotting him laying on his bed, gazing into space with a pretty upset expression warping his features his curiosity stopped him from leaving.

Stepping inside without permission, he placed the book on Roman's desk and closed the door with his foot. The room was quiet and dark, which was quite the opposite of what it usually is. Roman likes to keep it bright and colourful, all of Thomas's achievements on display, the walls covered in artwork and screenplays from all the favourites musicals Thomas adored for many years, plus the ceiling was an ever-changing, swirling galaxy, with perfect ombrés of purple, pinks, red, yellows, oranges, all the colours you could ever imagine space to hold - with the twinkling stars in the background, anyone could stare at it for hours.

But with one quirk of his eyes upwards, he could see the ceiling was an image of a black hole. Something was really getting Roman down.

Deceit debated to get Patton to sort him out, for he wanted to 'geek' out about the book with him, but sighed and realised it'll probably take awhile for Roman to get better, in the mean time Deceit could see what hijinks he could do with a depressed creative side.

"You look like the picture of happiness, Creativity" Deceit murmured, silky smooth voice floating around the room once silence prior to his words. He moved across the room with a graceful charm in his step, taking a seat at the end of his bed, just before his feet. Roman didn't respond, he didn't even blink.

"Don't tell me" Deceit carried on without a care, "creative block? I bet one of your princes will make you feel as right as may need a few hours to recover, however" Deceit mused, smirking, glancing at his gloved hands, knowing the heinous acts Roman gets up to when he's bored and horny. The Imagination isn't all bad.

Deceit looked over at Roman, feeling his eyes roll on their own when yet again Roman didn't do anything in response - it was like he wasn't even there trying to get a stir out of the aspect!

"Whatever" he sighed, ready to stand when the side finally spoke up.

"Do you ever feel worthless?"

His question hung in the air for awhile, trapping Deceit in a moment of halfway to standing up from where he sat beforehand. Slowly and cautiously, Deceit returned to where he resided, wondering if staying would be such a good idea.

"Not at all" he murmured, wondering where on Earth Roman would take this. He still hadn't moved, and Deceit didn't think he would for awhile, his look so intense he was sure it would burn holes into the carpet.

"I haven't for awhile" Roman carried on, "it happens when I just can't think of anything for Thomas and he's stuck on ideas until Joan helps him out"

Deceit hummed, "if you want to have an angsty rant I'm sure Virgil would love to listen" he cocked his head slightly when Roman responded with a snort. "Virgil, hmm?" Roman responded, "ah yes, that guy, the good guy, Anxiety"

Deceit could see where Roman's forlornness lied.

"I thought you've gotten over your..." Deceit waved his hand around in the air, "petty squabbles?"

"I thought so, too" Roman responded with such a pitiful tone of voice, one Deceit had never heard before, one that set him on edge. "I learned to accept Anxiety for who he is - he isn't going anywhere, ever, so why work against him when we can work with him?" Roman slowly eased himself up from the bed, curling his legs close to his body, hands picking at the loose threads on his old but loved blanket.

"But it seems people can't leave things in the past" he continued, not once ever looking at Deceit, but the side just stayed silent for awhile, listening to what Roman had to say. "Because Anxiety is such. A good. Thing" his voice spat with old bitter, something Deceit thought Roman left behind with his past self - it seems not.

"Who doesn't want to stay home while their friends are partying?" Roman laughed coldly, "who doesn't want to skip auditions because they think they don't know the lines? Who doesn't want to not order food in case they'll get laughed and mocked at? Who doesn't want to pursue ideas incase they're stupid and dumb? Who doesn't want to talk to possible friends or lovers incase they'll make a complete fool of themselves?"

Deceit swallowed thickly, he could feel the tension in the room rising, it was almost suffocating. Finally, he looked away from his lap to see Roman's head downcast, his crestfallen gaze returning to the carpet over the side of the bed. Deceit's eyes softened when Roman lifted up his hand and wiped away a solitude tear from his cheek.

"Creativity" Deceit caught his attention, "me and you - we're one in the same"

After a long pause, Roman's head inched up until he could see Deceit's brown eye and glowing yellow one, too. "Not many people are a fan of me, for I took the identify of their sweet father Morality, while you insulted and made their 'defenceless' Anxiety all sad and sorrowful" Deceit shrugged, "as if it was only you" he added, but didn't continue on the thought.

"However much you itch to see what everyone thinks about you, don't find out" the lying side instead went with, "for until we have our revelation we will forever be seen as the most feared thing of all"

Roman's lips cracked open to finish what Deceit left hanging in the air.

"The bad guys"

Is this a rant-style OneShot because I fucking hate how many people in the community attack Roman ruthlessly? Pssshhh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



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