A happy family - No ship

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OoooOOOooOoHHhh mYYYyyyYYYyy gOOOoooOOOoodddDD


He leaned on the doorway in the shadows, unnoticed by the family sitting in the living room, laughing and smiling. The abundance of kids arguing over who cheated, who's turn it was, and how much money they should really have.

The parents watched on contently, every so often letting out a laugh of their own, finding their children to be adorable.

He uncrossed his arms and stepped into the room, watching them play their game, watching them smile, watching them laugh, watching them cheat, watching them argue.

He just watched. In silence. If one were to glance in his direction, they'd see straight through him.

He wanted to say something, for he had so much to say, but no one would listen, no one would hear.

His head slowly dropped until his eyes lingered on the ground, he turned his back and left the house, waiting on the street right before it.

Inside was a family; a happy family.

A family who had grieved to come out the other end...happy.

With that thought in mind, he crossed the road, a light brightening up the side of his body, and if someone listened hard enough, it was almost as if they could hear the faint sound of tires screeching.

And in a moment, he was gone.


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