A massive cliché 2 - Virgil & Roman & Logan & Patton

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If this publishes it means I ended up doing a part two and yesterday was just a blip


"Hey, Pat?" Virgil spoke up to his friend, not stopping his work in order to try and keep his anxiety at bay, focusing mostly on something else rather than what he was about to admit. Patton, who sat beside him in this certain class, glanced over with a smile, putting down his pen to focus entirely on his friend. "What's up, Virgie?" He spoke in a way that helped calm Virgil down immeasurably. Something about his soft voice made him relax. Something Roman's voice was void off.

"I think" he began shakily, trying to keep on writing, but his letters were becoming harder and harder to read. "I think I like someone" he finally admitted, voice low as a whisper, shaking like a leaf. Patton's eyes widened and he sat up in excitement, holding it back to prevent making a scene for the poor boy who was already anxious enough. "Aw, Virgie" Patton cooed, eyes round and lovey-dovey, "that's adorable! Who is it?" Virgil sighed and shrugged meekly, staring at Patton for a few silent moments before he leaned over and whispered their name in his ear.

Patton sat shocked for a few moments, then a soft smile rested on his lips. "And I don't know what to do..." Virgil mumbled, fidgeting with his pen. Patton lifted his hand and rubbed Virgil's back reassuringly. "It'll work out in the end, Virgie, just wait and see" Virgil lifted his eyes to meet his and, albeit weakly, returned his smile, the two comfortably going back to work, all the while Patton having a mostly one-sided conversation to try and keep himself doing the work. Virgil didn't mind; the sound of his voice was soothing.

A few classrooms over, Logan had just completed the work with half an hour to spare. He was about to pull out his book and read when he looked over to his right and saw Roman - sitting a few tables over - his face contorted with confusion and annoyance. Logan watched as he stared at his book, looked up at the board to read the instructions, then back down at the book only to angrily slap his pen onto the table and grip his hair, stressed.

Logan felt for the boy and sighed, looking over at the teacher to see their back turned to him, helping someone else. With the class distracted by the work and chatter, Logan scooped up his stuff and placed it beside Roman, thankful his desk partner was absent. Roman looked up in surprise, about to ask Logan what he was doing when he answered for him by gesturing to his book. "I am here to help. You look like you were struggling" Roman chuckled breathily, smiling. "I suppose I am - but, you are quite the nerd, I have no doubt in my mind you can't help me" the blank stare Logan gave him was enough to make him laugh brightly, lighting up his face and crinkling the corner of his eyes.

Logan watched his face change instantly into light happiness, and he felt better by it.

Using his pen, he re-wrote a question from the board and led Roman through it in a different way to the teacher, showing him other ways to work out the answer while not directly giving it to him, making him work out the numbers and such, like an actual teacher. By the end, Roman was beaming ear to ear, able to complete the next question (mostly) on his own - again and again the two went through the same technique until Roman had nailed the question on his own.

The teacher had noticed Logan swapped seats and was about to send him back but stopped when she realised why he had moved. To help Roman. Seeing him complete a question he has been stuck on in a few lessons before this was such a great sight; along with the absolute euphoria spread across his face as he cheered and threw his arms up into the air. Beside him, Logan watched on with his own gentle smile, tensing when Roman pulled him into a tight hug, but he hugged back anyway, feeling Roman's happiness and excitement radiate onto him. The teacher thought it was too cute to split up; so she left the friends there.

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