Friends with benefits 2 - Logan & Deceit

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Will there be smut? I don't know yet! I start writing with no clear path - I literally plan nothing beforehand

Trigger warning: violence, blood, injuries, talk of past abuse

Ha, that's a no on the smut


Logan finally had the chance to slip out from his house and go for a walk on the bright, summers day. The clock had just struck twelve, and he was heading to the busier part of town to go shopping for a few things he needed for school. The binders had completely filled up, and he was in desperate need of more lined paper and normal paper for his printer.

While walking through the suburbs, he turned a corner and spotted Deceit not too far away, holding his grey camera to his eye, snapping a picture of something behind a tree. Curiosity peaked, Logan made a turn in his travels, and headed to him instead. Anything to stay out the house for longer. "Salutations, Deceit" Logan spoke up, but not too loudly as to startle him.

Deceit didn't move as he replied, "Hello, Roman's butt-buddy" he murmured, natural, slick and smooth voice enough to make people swoon. "I hope you understand Roman and I are in a relationship, now"

Deceit hummed, moving the camera from his face to pick up the photo that printed out. "I do - please, don't spoil me with the details" Placing the camera back down around his neck, he dug around his bag and pulled out his album book, sliding his new few pictures into the free slots. Logan was able to catch a glimpse at a few, and was awestruck for a moment - only then did he realise Deceit was a marvellous photographer.

Deceit put his bag back on, ready to turn and leave when he stopped, straightened up, and narrowed his multicoloured eyes at the building in front of him in thought. "Logan.." he slowly glanced over at Logan with a gleam in his eye. Logan tensed a little at the look, wondering what the hell this darkly dressed boy with golden accents could be planning. "How good are you with secrets?"

Logan shrugged lightly and adjusted his tie. "I have never uttered a secret to anyone unless explicitly told so" He replied with a confident nod. Deceit chewed the inside of his cheek, swivelling his body to face the boy they were all slowly becoming friends with. "How good are you with helping people?"

"I suppose it depends on what it is" Logan watched Deceit take a step forward, their faces quite close to each other as Deceit stared deeply into his eyes, reading him, trying to detect anything that would tell him Logan was lying. "Could you help me with a little problem I have? I promise it won't take long...although, if you're planning to tell anyone, I guess it means you don't want to be apart of our group; can't imagine how upset Roman would be over it.." Deceit smirked wickedly, lifting one arm slightly, yellow-gloved fingers rubbing together mischievously.

Logan cocked his eyebrow, "Are you trying to blackmail me?"

"Think of it as a test" Deceit avoided, "pass this, you can join our clique, once you do, expect none of us to allow anyone to bully you ever again...although, from past experiences, I'm sure you're skilled in the manner of dealing with them" Logan swallowed, eying Deceit for a moment. If this involved anything too dangerous, or gave Logan an opportunity to go to prison, he wouldn't do it, not even for their friendship group, but Logan always liked a challenge, and hopefully this will drag through the day.

"What do you need help with?"

Fifteen minutes later, Logan and Deceit were standing in an alleyway between two houses. Deceit had explained the plan on the way - with him basically living with Remy now, he needed to collect a few things he left behind, but none of his friends would allow him to do so, but with Logan, he didn't know what happened in this house, so Deceit tricked him into helping, and Deceit was sure he would tell no one.

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