Swapped lives - Roman & Logan

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Ohmygod fucking gays

Trigger warning: Neglectful parents


Two boys walking down the same path, eyes glued to the objects in their hand. One held a phone, tapping against the screen hurriedly as they texted their group of friends, the other held a book they were devoted to, the world of the fantasy swirling in his mind as he imagined what everything the book described to look like. They weren't paying attention to the world around them, which was why when they bumped shoulders and crashed to the ground with a yelp and a groan, they kinda expected it.

Book-boy got up first, dusting and straightening his clothes. "I do apologise, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" he held out a hand to the boy who had his face towards the ground as he replied. "It's alright! Completely my fault there..." gripping his hand, book-boy hauled phone-boy up, which was when the two finally got a good look at the others face and gasped.

"Why, hello~" Phone-boy drawled seductively, realising this nerdy looking boy looked strangely exactly like him. If he lost the glasses, and grew his hair a little longer, they'd look like they were twins! "I'm Roman, and you are?" He carried on, reaching down to grip the back of book-boys hand, leaning it up to his lips to press a kiss against the smooth skin.

Book-boy rose an eyebrow, perplexed at his behaviour. He had never seen a teenager act like this, and he didn't expect any teen to act like this. Ever. "I am Logan" he eventually replied once Roman let go of his hand. The boy - who wore rather regal clothing - stood up straight and held his arms behind his back, eyes narrowed slightly as he did a full scan of Logan's face. Said boy was doing the same in return, yet looked very more subtle while doing so.

"Aren't you the most attractive boy I've ever met" Roman commented with a smirk. Logan rolled his eyes, sending him a 'really?' look.

"Aren't you the most egotistical boy I have ever met" Logan replied mockingly, bending down to scoop up his book, wiping down the hard-front cover a few times. "You must be new - I've only ever seen you in my mirror" Roman joked, realising the boy before him probably wasn't the 'jokey' kind. He looked smart and professional - even for a sixteen year old boy. He wore a tie for fucks sake! When did Roman ever think he would be amused by jokes?

"Yes, I am new" he confirmed with a slight nod of his head, "my parents and I moved in a few days ago" Roman nodded in response, bobbing on his feet awkwardly. "Well, it seems I have met my twin! Look at us! We're one of the same!" He ventured back into their appearance, opening his camera to hold in front of both their faces. They had scanned every detail, and they were practically the same...as if someone copied and pasted them.

"It is rather odd...but my parents would have told me if I had a twin" Logan sounded confident with his statement, so Roman had no belief the boy was lying. Besides, he would have known if he had a twin, too, so this whole conundrum was merely a coincidence - a rare one, at that.

"I have a proposal to make!" Roman suddenly bursted in delight, pocketing his phone. Logan leaned back slightly, raising his eyebrow questioningly. "Why don't we swap lives!? Like in those many, many...many Disney movies!?" He exclaimed like a child hyper on candy, biting his lips that had stretched into a wide grin, pearly white teeth on show and everything.

Logan felt apprehensive, this stranger who looked alike wanted to swap lives with him? That was preposterous! Right? Besides, he was never a fan of Disney. The only times he had watched the movies was with his parents when they thought they were the best movies for their young son to watch. Although, he had never seen the ones where characters "swapped lives" as Roman so proudly stated. As if he was the creator of Disney.

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