Soulmate tattoo - Virgil x Roman

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Uhhhhhh hey! So I got this idea from @FandomsUnited_Always from their OneShot book

Soulmate au with my own twist? I guess?


Virgil's dark eyes lingered on the words that were permanently embedded into his skin, directly across his forearm, bold letters contrasting starkly against his pale white skin. He read it over a few times before his mind became vacant, now he had stared at the words for over eight minutes, unmoving from the corner of his bed where he sat awaiting to be called downstairs by either of his mothers. He always got a ride to collage, today being no different.

His moms were the only people on this planet that knew what was written into his skin from birth, the first time they saw it they covered it up, sometimes with clothes, other times with foundation, with whatever they could find, really. They weren't ashamed of what the words said, nor were they planning to cover the words from the start - they just felt it was...right.

From birth everyone has a sentence tattooed onto their arm depicting the first words you hear your soulmate utter - most people like to flaunt it around, especially if it was something funny, or cute, or sexual, it was never something to be embarrassed over, as everyone had it.

There is a way to get rid of it, but more of the older generations look down on the people who do, the covering of the tattoo was never something new, but in recent years more and more people want it covered up by something else. Be it people who aren't soulmates but are already in love with each other, or people who don't want to feel love.

There are many reasons, but it's controversial. Virgil thought about it, sometimes he even considers it to this day, he couldn't bare the words that that glared up at him whenever he caught a glimpse, it was a painful reminder of what he would have to go through when he was older.

He could avoid it all he wanted, but you physically can't know when you would hear the words, no matter if you stay inside all day, that one night you go out with your friends, or decide to go for a walk, you will hear it, and it'll change your life.

But Virgil didn't want his life to change into that.

"Virgil, honey! Time to go!"


He didn't have many friend at school, which was why he only had two friends in collage, but he didn't care, he was happy to hang out with his two best friends Logan and Patton. They've been with him since the beginning, as far back as he could remember, and trusts them with his life, never feeling the need to split apart to find new people. They've had arguments in the past, but their strong bond always over powered it.

It also relaxed Virgil even further with the fact they were soulmates - meaning he didn't have to meet whoever their soulmate would've been.

"Hey, Virge!" Patton grinned at his best friend, splitting from Logan to rush over to him, pulling him into a tight and warm hug. Virgil hid a smile into his shoulder, gently hugging him back for a few moments, splitting apart before it would become embarrassing. They were in the middle of the cafeteria, after all. Luckily, everyone was busy with their own business.

"Salutations, Virgil" Logan greeted, a thicc binder pressed up to his chest, other hand free which he used to hold Patton's hand when they walked down the hallway. Same-sex soulmates were a common occurrence much like opposite-sex soulmates, so homophobia didn't exist in this world. The only reason why these two were different was because they found their soulmate at such a young age. The words that were still engraved into their skin were each other's names.

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