Chapter 3

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So first period I have biology. Which isn't so bad 'cause I don't do anything in any of my classes anyway, so anything and everything is fine with me.

I looked up from my phone in my lap to find Mr.Polk's crazy ass standing on top of his desk.

"Goooooood Morning everyone! Today, we're going to be doing something completely different from usual so please clear your desks away from anything you find remotely valuable."

Yea, he's a bit of a nutjob. But I mean... everyone's a little weird, right?

So I cleared my desk, which only consisted of a pencil. Then when everyone else was done too, he started passing out gloves. Oh yea. Gloves. The rubber kind.

"I am giving each of you a pair of these gloves. Do not stretch them out, rip them, tear them, or anything else you think I would tell you not to do. Just set them on your desk for a few more minutes while I finish... okay!"

He was now walking back up to the front of the classroom, putting clasped hands in front of him. Oh no, long speech coming ahead.

"I know what you all are thinking"- yea, sure you do-"That these gloves are just for show. But they are not. You all will choose a partner and will begin the disectation of a lizard. There will be no if ands or buts about it. Also, this is partnership work so both partners will contribute in some form or fashion to the project. I just realized the time so keep your gloves but choose your partner now, you have five minutes."

A lab partner? Really? Then to have to... cut open a lizard? I was letting these questions take over when I got a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to find Carter smiling down at me.

"So guess what?" He said, still smiling.

"Ummm, what?" I answered, hesitant because of the size of his smile.

"Your my partner. Yea, I know, don't have to thank me." He said smugly like I was about to ask for an autograph.

I punched him playfully in the shoulder. "Yeah whatever Carter, you wish I would." Laughing while he mocked hurt.

A boy as a partner? Okay cool, less work with the nasty stuff for me. Plus, I mean it's Carter.

"Okay cool, have you ever dissected anything before?"

"Nope. But I mean I'm not scared to if that's what your getting at. I'll do as much as the gory stuff as I can and leave you the easy stuff."

"Awesome, I thought you would anyway though."

He started smiling again. I got goosebumps. Wait, what the hell? Goosebumps? Girl, get yourself together.

Still smiling, "Yeah, I know. Plus of having me as a partner."

The awkward silence that followed simply made us both start laughing for a few seconds until the bell rung. We both got our stuff and went opposite ways to our next class.

"See you at lunch!" Carter called from half way down the hall opposite of me.

I laughed, the teachers were staring at him like he was crazy. "Yeah, I'll see you at lunch!" And walked into my next class.

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