Chapter 28

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Owen smiled a tiny smile that I now despise.

I cannot believe he just told the stylist to 'surprise him' , but who was gonna see me anyway?

Or was that the point. For people not to see me, even in plain sight?

The stylist must have seen my expression because she gave me a small smile and shook her head at Owen, like he had just told a joke that was a little offensive but funny nonetheless.

"It's okay, I know what I'm gonna do already. Just relax." She said, turning my chair so I could see myself in the mirror.

I wasn't prepared for what I looked like, since I haven't looked in the mirror at myself in what felt like months. I had forgotten what I looked like, but whatever I used to look like; it was nothing like how I do now.

My hair was long, the ends dead and frayed. My face had no acne, but my freckles had spread all over my face, creating an explosion on my nose and cheekbones. My cheeks were hollowed out and my expression was sullen and broken instead of happy and whole like I once was.

That girl is long gone, and I doubt anything could bring her back.

Owen spoke, breaking my thoughts. "I will be right back, Audrey. Don't go anywhere, okay?" He said it like a question but I knew it was an order.

I nodded, and he walked away down the hall.

Dren looked at me in the mirror, combing her fingers through my hair.

My heart stopped.

Ho-ly shitballs.

No way.

Looking past the stylist, I saw a poster with my face on it, stuck to the wall.

She stopped tossing my hair, noticing my stillness. Then she locked eyes with me in the mirror, looking at the poster and then back at me.

She whispered, almost inaudibly, "is that you?"

What else could I do?

I nodded.

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