Chapter 26

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I woke up to the sound of a door being unlocked. Of course, it was Owen.

"Good morning sleepyhead, and Xander."

I can't stand him. "Morning."

He looked down at me and pushed my hair away from my face.

"So guess what..." he started.

"What?" The proximity of him making me uncomfortable.

"We're going to spend the day together. You can't spend your entire stay in here can you?" He asked, although the question was purely rhetorical.

Leave? Go outside? "Um, okay. Where are we going?"

He just shook his head, and moved away from me. "You'll find out soon enough."

So much for getting an escape plan in advance. "But I-"

"Get dressed and come downstairs when you're ready." Was all he said as he walked out, leaving the door unlocked.

"I won't be able to stop him if he tries anything today. He doesn't let me leave, ever. And don't try to run, it doesn't ever work. I've tried." Xander's voice came from across the room, making me look over at him.

He was sitting up, cross legged I'd assume; with the blankets still over him from the waist down. His black curls were unruly and his face was still tired, giving him a bedridden look. It was so sexy. Even though while I was checking him out, he was still talking.

"...and so don't try anything today. Also- Audrey, are you paying attention?"

Yea, totally. Not to your words though. "Yea, I heard. Don't try to run away, I got it." I said, getting up and stretching. Remembering I was still completely naked when I looked over and Xander was biting down on his lip, staring intently at me.

I immediately grabbed the clothes that Owen had left on the dresser beside me and began to get dressed, not comfortable with being gawked at; especially now that it wasn't dark.

I was pulling the dark colored skinny jeans over my hips when I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly buttoned them and reached for my shirt, assuming it was Owen.

It definitely wasn't.

As I turned around to see who was behind me, Xander grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to him. He brung my face close to his, and our lips were mere centimeters apart. My breathing wasn't steady, and Xander noticed.

"Nervous, Audrey? Has your bravery from last night suddenly disappeared?" He whispered in my ear, beginning to kiss down my neck.

I wasn't about to let him think he was in charge of anything.

I pulled his face back to mine, pressing my lips to his. Our mouths automatically moulding perfectly against each other as I reached around his neck, lightly pulling on the tendrils on his lower neck.

He groaned into my mouth as I pulled, and moved his hands from my waist to my butt; gripping as I picked one leg up, letting him know what I wanted.

Without hesitation, he picked me up by my thighs, and I wrapped my legs around him. Our kiss not breaking once as I started to slowly grind against him, his hands under my butt to hold me up.

He pulled free from the kiss, breathing heavily. "Audrey, you're about to leave, Owen's waiting on you."

"Mhm." I hummed, bringing our lips back together one more time before unwrapping my legs from around his waist and letting go of his neck.

He looked down at me, his pupils huge and full of obvious lust. "To be continued. Remember what I told you."

I nodded, still evening out my breathing. After fixing my jeans and shirt, I walked out of the bedroom to meet Owen.

When I got to the living room, Owen was patiently sitting on the loveseat. He heard my footsteps, because he stood up and looked at me, smiling.

"I'm so glad your ready, I didn't know how much longer I could wait. Your going to definitely enjoy today, or at least I will." He told me, reaching for his jacket.

I will not. "Yea. Are we leaving now?"

"We are. Would you like to know what we're gonna be doing?" He asked, opening the door as I stepped through.

"What?" Trying not to sound interested, but I couldn't be more curious.

He shut the door behind him, locking it. "Your getting a makeover. Consider it my treat. As well as a way of showing you that your not going to be leaving anytime soon, so don't try anything. You will wish you hadn't."

A makeover? How sick was he? "I know." Was all I said as he grabbed my hand, forcibly interlacing our fingers.


Owen is such an ass omg ik. But, it's okay. What about this makeover?

And... Ship name for Xander and Audrey or no? I can't think of one tbh. Their scene was okay this time I think lol.

Thank you for reading, vote & comment plz! <3

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