"You see, this," he holds the phone closer to my face. "Is Silvia Plath."
"What's so great about her?" I ask, eyeing the picture, thinking there may be something that I'm missing.
"It's not her image." He laughs, pulling back the phone. "It's her story."
"Well, what's her story then?" I question.
"You see, Silvia Plath is an amazing writer." He smiles.
"Yeah, I've gathered that much." I say.
"And, what she's done. She's proven, that you can have An amazing and extraordinary life within the short time of 30 years."
"Why 30 years?" I ask.
"She was born in 1932, and died in the year of 1962. Which means she was how old?" He laughs.
"You act like a seventeen year old girl obsessed with a band." I roll my eyes.
"I may or may not have been through that faze." He says, me giving him a weird look.
"I mean, the band thing, not the seventeen year old girl." He laughs. Oh my god, he's so awkward. "Anyways, her life was thirty years long. Thirty two, technically. Yet she seemed to have An amazing one."
"She died at age thirty two?" I question.
"Suicide." He nods.
"That's sad." I frown, looking over to the books.
"I think most people commit because they don't like the one and only life they were given, which yes, is very sad." He says. "But I think when some people have loved such a fulfilling life they just know."
"What do you mean?" He thinks someone offs themselves because they 'know'?
"Well, you see, Sylvia Plath, did suffer from depression. But if I were in her place, it wouldn't be because I was depressed. It would be because I had accomplished everything I needed to accomplish. I did everything that I needed to do, I did what i was put here for. Then what? After you've done it, then what." He says.
At first glance, this young boy looks like he would know absolutely nothig about meaning, and poetry. But if you start to talk to him, behind the lip peircing and the deep blue eyes, there is reason, knowledge, and awnswers.
"I'm not sure." I whisper. What was I put here for? What if I didn't have anything to accomplish? Was I just going to work at an old bookstore for the rest of my life?
"That's what I'm trying to find out." He smiles, re opening one of the books that looks like he's read it thirty times. "What then."
Helloo. Since this is going to be shorter than a regular book, it's not going to drag on. I mean sure, there is going to be some drama, but geez I have a lot of plans for this specific book and in so excited.