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Though I had been over at Luke's earlier that day, I felt the need to go and check on him.

I Knock on the door, impatiently standing outside of it for what feels like hours.

I count the seconds, and about sixty two of them pass before someone opens the door.

"El, what are you doing hear?" The curly haired boy- Ashton, says, answering the door.

"I, uhm," I say, looking over his shoulder. "I wanted to see Luke really quickly."

"He's not here. He said he was going to see you." Ashton laughs, rubbing the side of his face. "Looks like you caught each other in the middle."

"Oh, thanks." I nod, waving at him, and quickly walking back down the steps.

It usually takes only about five minuets to get to my place, but since I was speeding it took about two.

I obviously didn't want luke to know I was coming to see him, because he was coming to see me.

I run to the door, quickly sticking my key in the lock and wobbling it around so it opens, and close it tightly behind me.

I lean against it, letting out a sigh. I put my hand on my head, slowly removing myself from the door and walking towards the couch.

Once I reach it, i lay down, picking up the TV remote and flicking on netflex.

About two and a half movies later, I glance at my phone screen for what feels like the hundredth time.

I've gotten No texts, nor calls, from Luke, and he has not been over yet. It was about Ten, so I was starting to drift off into sleep, when someone knocked on the door.

I instantly jumped up, running my hands through my hair to try and flatten it a bit.

My heart beats faster as I get closer tot he door, and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I was already so relieved, and I hadn't even opened the door yet.

"Luke-" I say, smiling as I open the door.

And of coarse I was expecting him. I was expecting to open the door, and see the familiar blonde quiff and his stupid lip ring he always messes with. I expected his awkwardness, and him too look towards the ground to avoid eye contact.

But I was not greeted with Luke, but instead an older looking fellow, with a clipboard and a pen placed firmly in his hands.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but we got a conplaint from your neighbors saying that you were taking up two parking spots with your car. You're going to need to move it, or were going to tow it." He says, an unapologetic smile plastered on his face.

I don't say anything as I nod, slowly closing the door. I really didn't care what else the man was saying, or was going to say, but at this point, all I cared about was going to bed.


I posted a fanfic called Paper hearts and I took it down because I wasn't ready and I really wanted to post the first chapter but I had to wait for it to be up and I just couldn't handle it

and omg I don't know if you guys saw but Theonlyreasons read a few chapters of my book and I screamed I'm literally so happy she is my fave written like oh god I can't

I'll try and update soon :))

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