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He nods, placing his hand on top of mine on his cheek.

"Hey, Luke?" I question, leaning my forehead against his.

"Hey, El?" He mimics, slightly laughing.

"Luke, what happens now?" I ask, closing my eyes. Though the coldness has left, it has been replaced with comfort and happiness that only two people can have; together.

"Well," he smiles, changing his position so his arm is around me, and we are looking over the lookout. "I would suggest that we went our separate ways, so we could contradict all of the sappy love books that have ever been written. Maybe even make our own love story." He says. "But Noel Harrison, it kills me to even think of a life without you."

"A love story?" I question, raising my eyebrows at him.

"We could call it Seattle; though the city had constant rain and the whether always seemed to be terrible, El and Luke still seemed to find what they needed. Even if they didn't know they needed it." He says, looking between me and the lights shining beautifully over our heads. "Each other."

"Sounds like a book you would read." I laugh, shoving him away from me lightly.

The tears that had once stained my cheeks are now gone, replaced with soft touches and beautiful motions.

"I would love it. I would fall in love with the stupid books that the girl seemed to be always messing with," he smiles, turning to face me. "And the desk that she always sat at. But most importantly I would fall in love with the girl, and how she seemed to suddenly come into the boys life, and change everything that he had planned." Luke smiles. "But he wouldn't mind, it was something to keep him away from worrying about what he was going to do with his life. Though at the end of the book he would know."

I go to say something, but I stop myself. If I were to open my mouth I would probably scream.

"He would know he was meant to spend the rest of his life with her."


I'm not sure if that's a shitty ending or not lmao I can't handle the pressure I really hope this is good+ I would expect a long ass epilogue if I was you, and probably a thank you part also haha

So as always, ily all, and I hope you have a wonderful day/Night!!!

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