Where Am I?

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I woke up and slowly regained feeling throughout my body as well a little bit of blurred vision. I tried moving my hands but they were restrained, as well my legs. I had something around my head that wouldn't let me move it more than an inch away from where I was sitting.

My vision started to clear itself. Around me... a couple of hooded men wearing masks. Six of them were watching me while one was next to a man working at a computer. He had no mask or hood, only a lab coat.

"Sir, thirty six is awake," said one of the hooded men. Their masks didn't allow me to know which one spoke.

The man in the lab coat turned to me and smiled. He looked... not too bad actually. If you saw him, you wouldn't expect him to be anyone of importance or suspicion.

But in my situation? Well... he's probably the only one here with explanations and answers.

"Excellent." He started approaching me. "Daniel, are you awake?"

"Yeah... I'm awake." I still felt somewhat drowsy.

"Good." He turned to the hooded person at his computer. "Shock him."

Hearing that still brought a shock to my drowsy mind.

"What," I asked.

The man in the lab coat just smiled as the masked man started messing with the computer. I tried to free myself, but it seemed like there was nothing I could do.

I suddenly felt pain throughout my body. Quick shaking and movement. I couldn't feel anything around me besides the shock and some burning throughout my body. It hurt a lot... but I held my ground and kept myself calm.

After what seemed like forever, the shocking stopped. The burning sensation however, remained. Mostly around my chest and head.

I started to breath heavily with relief.

"Interesting. What did you think of that," asked the man in the lab coat.

"I don't know what you wanna hear, but it obviously fucking hurt."

"That's good. At least you can feel something."

He started walking back to his computer. I tried to get out of my seat once again, but gave up after a couple of seconds. Even if I were to get out, I would probably be stopped by the people surrounding me.

"What do you want from me? Where am I?"

"Location does not matter. Your purpose however, is of high importance." He started typing on his computer. "Tell me, Daniel. Have you heard of the 'Third Eye'?"

"The Third Eye... Yeah. Some sort of Doki Doki theory or something. Wait a minute! You're not trying to find the Third Eye or something, are you?"


"What the- Then that- wait what? The Third Eye is some theory made by video game fans! You've really been searching for that?"

"After searching for years, we found signals of the Third Eye coming from your location. We found you with Libitina, so we observed you... your feelings. Your actions. You murdered Libitina, and that's why you're here. There's obviously something wrong with you. And that's what we need."

"Okay, I think I know who you mean by 'Libitina,' but she didn't exist until a couple of weeks ago. And the game that mentions the Third Eye didn't exist until last year! That would make your entire existence a huge plot hole!"

"The Third Eye and Libitina have existed for a very long time. That is none of your concern, however. What I want to know is why you murdered Libitina."

"That is none of your concern. I did what I did because I chose to. I didn't need any sort of motive or reason."

His calm tone broke and switched to anger.

"She was very important to our experiments! She is the only subject who has been able to summon the Third Eye, and you took that away!"

"Yeah, so what? She's gone now, so you can go fuck yourself."

"Oh she's not completely gone. You remember her, don't you?"

"Yeah, what does that matter to you?"

He poked my forehead. "Libitina is in there somewhere. You're gonna recreate her for us."

"What are you saying...?"

He chuckled. "I'll explain later. Right now, you are due for testing."

"Testing? For what?"

"This is a laboratory, Daniel. What did you expect." He looked at one of the hooded men. "Take subject thirty six to the testing facility."

The hooded man nodded and started to release my restraints. First my head, then my legs, and then my hands. As soon as my hands were released, I took a swing at the hooded man. It was weak and slow, allowing the man to easily grab my arm and stop.

"Daniel," the man in the lab coat said. "You will refrain from enacting any physical contact towards the personnel."

"Ah, fuck off!"

The man in the lab coat looked at the rest of the hooded men.

"Please assist him."

The other men approached me and held me down while the man in the lab coat approached me with a syringe.

"Keep that shit away from me," I said.

He ignored what I said and approached me as I tried to free myself. I soon felt the pinch of the syringe in my neck. Slowly and slowly I started to lose feeling. Again, I was blacking out.

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