Who Is Danny?

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I thought about Monika's question for a bit.

"Danny... Danny is aggressive. He'll hurt anyone who stands in his way and is willing to do whatever it takes to show strength, dominance, and aggression."

Thoughts of Kyle started to enter my mind.

"Danny. He'll hurt anyone if he feels they deserve it. Hell, he may go and hurt the innocent, just because it feels empowering to hurt those who are weaker than you. I'd watch my enemies suffer before helping someone."

As I spoke and thought, I started to feel dizzy. I powered through it though and took a look at Monika. She was just staring at me. She didn't look disappointed, but she didn't really happy with what I was saying.

But hey, she asked. I'm just giving her an honest answer.

I started thinking about Brandon.

"I'm also the type of person to hurt someone if it pays well. Killing someone isn't something I find difficult to do, especially if I'm making money in the process. Pay me well enough and I'll kill anyone you want."

The dizzy feeling got a little stronger. Monika looked away from me for a second before looking back at me. It looked like she really wanted to stop talking, but she patiently waited for me to finish.

I thought about Odin.

"It honestly doesn't matter who you are. I'll hurt you if I want to. It's just the kind of person I am, I like to hurt people. I killed my best friend because I wanted to. No motive, no nothing. I did it out of pure enjoyment."

Finishing that sentence made the dizziness even stronger. I somewhat felt like falling over, and my vision started to blur a bit. Monika either didn't notice, or didn't care.

I thought about Jared.

"I'll also hurt anyone and their mothers if I distrust them. I mean, if I'll kill someone for fun, then it should be obvious that I'd kill someone for an actual reason."

The dizziness didn't change too much from there. Monika just continued to stare...

I thought about Cain.

"But like I said before, I kill for fun. I'll do it just because I want to. I'll kill friends, family, my boss, anyone. Taking the lives of others and proving to yourself that you can still inflict pain on someone is just a marvelous feeling."

The dizziness got worse. I felt like I was gonna pass out. Monika... she just stared as I rested my head on my arm.

But I wasn't done yet.

I thought about Robbie.

"And I guess the last thing is that I will always seek revenge. If someone manages to escape me or even hurt me, I will destine my life towards killing them. I already have someone on my mind. Robbie."

I sighed to myself. As soon as I did, the dizziness instantly went away.

"He managed to hospitalize me. I'll get him for that..." I banged my hand on the table. "I should be feared! I should be the one who hurts, not the one who gets hurt."

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. After I was calm, Monika put her hand on my shoulder and gently smiled at me.

"Are you okay," she asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Her smile disappeared as she removed her hand from my shoulder.

"So is that how you really see yourself?"

"Of course. That's just who I am."

Her smile slowly returned.

"Well, I remember a time where you weren't as you described yourself. The Danny I know is very caring and loving."

The dizziness started to return as Monika held my hand.

"He cared about his friends and family. He loved his girlfriend, and he showed her everyday."

Her smiled widened.

"He'd show me everyday."

The dizzy feeling went away. I couldn't help but smile back at Monika as the memories of our past flew into my mind. This girl... Monika.

She was special to me. I did care for her, and there was a time where I was happy with her.

"He was generous and kind. He always did his best to make me feel happy, and he'd take me out to his favorite places."

She stood up and suddenly surprised me with a hug.

"And he made sure that I knew..."

Her voice started to break.

"...that he'd never forget me."

With that, she slowly went into tears. I couldn't but feel bad...

I did end up forgetting. This wonderful girl... Monika.

I'll never let that happen again.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her and stood up.

"I'll never forget about you, Monika."

She hugged me tighter as she continued to cry. I just continued it hug her and closed my eyes while I thought about her.

It felt like she was the only one I could think about.

All I could hear was the ambient music as well as the occasional sniffle from Monika. I tried to think about the happy memories between us.

They seemed to clear up while she spoke, but they just felt like a blurry image now. Nonetheless, I still cared for this girl.


As I was holding onto to my beloved, I heard something shatter. I let go and quickly turned around. I saw a suited Ben standing by a broken window. I could guess that he had broken it but...

I couldn't figure out why.

The people in the building vanished and the music was no longer playing. Just me, Ben, and Monika in silence.

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