The Time Of End

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As I stood onto my feet, I somewhat pushed myself away from... myself. His slow walk turned into somewhat of a run. The distance between us seemed to stay somewhat the same... even though he was definitely approaching me.

Still, I slowly moved back. I had nothing to defend myself besides my fists and the little strength I had.

His run soon turned into a sprint. His sprint started to shorten the distance between us, and the fear in me started to rise. I turned around and started to run.

As soon as I was about to reach the grass, I heard someone shout my name. Or his name, either one.

I turned and saw Robbie standing right behind me, even though the shout sounded somewhat far away.

He smiled at me and handed me the blue knife that Danny killed Ben with earlier. It has his blood all over it...

"We'll take care of him together."

The confidence and determination in his voice. It filled me with motivation. I was ready to end whatever the hell was going on.

I took the knife from him and looked in Danny's direction. Seeing him gave me a feeling of fear, but I still felt ready to fight. Even if I was a little weak.

Before I knew it, Robbie was already standing close to him. He seemed to be waiting for Robbie to make the first move.

I came to realize that I hadn't moved an inch from where I started...

I slowly started to approach the two beings, but I came to a halt as soon as I saw Robbie quickly stab Danny in the shoulder. Surprisingly, he struck him quite accurately. With all the odd things going on, I would've expected more... well like, I guess more bul-

Ah there it is.

Danny just looked at the knife that Robbie was holding in his shoulder. He seemed unfazed
while Robbie seemed unusually exhausted. I suddenly saw him flip the switchblade in his hand, and stab Robbie in the stomach. Robbie let go of the knife on Danny's shoulder and grabbed his stomach as Danny pushed him to the ground. He pulled the knife out of his shoulder and used that to finish off Robbie. He then looked at me.

I felt a lot of fear and disappointment. Had I become a coward? After everything that's happened... how come I didn't do anything?

He slowly approached me as Robbie's body disappeared. His seemed to leave slower than the others.

I looked at him as he approached. I started to get mad with myself... why must I feel scared?

I felt my hand shaking, but I did my best to try and stay ready. I looked at the being with a mix of fear and determination.

Mostly fear...

No. I gotta snap out of it. I took the knife from Monika for the reason of using to protect those I care about. I may have not done that... but I can use the one I have now to avenge them.

He suddenly stopped a short distance away from me. He just stopped and stared, giving me a chance to mentally prepare myself. I watched him and took a couple of quiet breaths as I stopped myself from shaking. He didn't show much emotion in his face, but part of me felt like he was amused.

I stared back at him. My heart racing. It seemed every thought my mind created was just a way for me to try and stall for time. A way to try and keep me from fighting. I don't know if it was because I wanted to try and stay non-violent, or if I was just me being afraid to fight. Whichever it be, I was still holding myself back.

I looked at him one more time. His blank stare was throwing me off, but I tried not to think too much of it. Instead...

I ran at him and immediately pushed the knife in a forward stabbing motion as I approached him. I went ahead and punched him right after, following that with another punch. I felt afraid... I just continued to throw my fists at the being until I couldn't feel my arms. I could see the world around me being destroyed with every hit.

Once I could no longer continue, I pushed him away from me. He tumbled backwards before falling over onto what was now a white void. The only damage shown on his body was the stab wound left by Robbie on his shoulder, and the stab wound left by me in his chest. The knife stayed...

I was relieved to see him on the ground. After seeing how he reacted to Robbie's attack, I was surprised he didn't put up more of a fight.

His body soon disappeared, along with the knife in his chest and the butterfly knife in his hand. All that was left was my switchblade, laying on the ground.

I went ahead and picked up the knife. Even though it was used to stab Robbie, it didn't have any traces of blood.

After I put the knife in my pocket, I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, I was surprised and somewhat relieved to see Monika. I immediately gave her a hug before she hugged me back.

After we hugged, she looked at me with a smile. But she didn't seem all that happy... It was a broken smile. One that was hiding something behind a look of happiness.

"Monika... are you alright?"

She nodded her head and widened her smile a bit.

"Yeah. I'm glad to see that you've changed... we're very proud of you."

"I mean, I guess... It was thanks to you though, Monika. Thank you."

"No problem, Danny..."

I hugged her again.

"I can redeem myself thanks to you, Monika. I can't change what I've done... but I can try and continue to be better."

I let go of her and smiled, but it wiped itself off my face as soon as I saw Monika was a frown.

"Monika, what's wrong?"

"Danny... I need to tell you something."

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