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I soon found myself waking up on the cold floor. I slowly retained my vision and got up. I was in what looked like a metal cell with one glass wall. The glass wall contained a door, one that didn't have a knob on the inside. It also had some little boxes of wiring on the outside of it. There was a hooded man standing outside of the glass wall, so I approached the wall and knocked on it.


The man turned to me and put his finger one of the wired boxes.

"Is the subject ready for testing," he asked.


He shook his head. "Testing will begin immediately."

He removed his finger from the box, leaving me unable to hear anything else from outside. I saw the hooded man talking to a female in a lab coat that was passing by. She smiled at him and then looked at me before approaching the same wire box.

"Is the subject ready?"

I shook my head. "I already said I wasn't."

"I will be coming in to test you, now."


She removed her finger from the box and told something to the hooded man. She then approached a different wire box and tapped it a couple of times. A loud noise of hissing air followed.

She opened the glass door and slowly walked in with her clipboard in hand.

"Alright Thirty Six, please take a seat on the floor."

I went ahead and did what I was told.

"Why do y'all keep calling me Thirty Six?"

"Subject number. Last name's Guerrero, correct?"


She wrote down on her clipboard as I responded.


"I'm a guy."



"Date of birth?"

"September eleventh of two thousand."

"Hm. My mother was a September baby."

"Wow. That's interesting," I said in an obviously uninterested tone.

"Alright then, Thirty Six. Please follow me."

She exited the room and waited for me outside while a hooded man came and watched me with a rifle in his hands. I exited the room and followed the woman while the man with the rifle followed me.

We soon got to a room. The woman and I entered while the rifleman stayed outside and kept watch from there. There was a seat next to a lot of computer equipment, it looked kind of like a dentists chair. There was also a scale and a bed that looked like it belonged in a mental hospital.

"Okay, stand over here," she said as she approached a wall.

I went to the wall she was standing by. It had some kind of like a ruler written on it.

"Stand up straight. I need to check your height."

I did as I was told and stood up straight. She moved my head back towards the wall and wrote my height down on her clip board.

"Alright, now go ahead and stand on the scale over there," she said as she pointed to a scale by the corner of the room.

I walked on top of the scale and stood still. After a couple of seconds, the scale showed my weight. One sixty five.

"Why exactly do you need all this," I asked.

"You're a subject in a laboratory. What do you expect?"

"You sound just like that other dude."

She giggled. "I suppose you're talking about Heinz."

"I guess. I don't know any on of you. What's your name?"

"My name isn't important. Just call me... Miss."

"Alright 'Miss.'

Miss went to the computer and grabbed what looked like a vest from one of the desks cabinets. She connected it to her computer and handed it to me.

"Put this on."

It looked a little weird, but I went ahead and put it around me while she took out something else from the cabinet. It looked kind of like a band, which she went ahead and connected to her computer. After I put on the vest, she handed me the band.

"Put this around your head and sit on the chair," she said as she patted the dentists chair.

I put the band around my head and sat on the chair. Miss went ahead and adjusted the band before sitting at the computer.

"Just remember, don't make her cry," Miss said.


"Just remember that."

I started trying to think about what "don't make her cry" meant while Miss clicked around on her computer and scribbled on her clipboard. After maybe about a minute, she got up and stood over me.

"Alright, just relax. I'm gonna check eyes, ears, and teeth."

She slowly lowered a device that was over me. She put it over my face, leaving most of my face covered. I soon saw two flashes of light. One directly in front of my eyes, and the other a little lower on my face. Around my mouth I'd say. Afterwards, the device was lifted from my face and Miss put something in my ears. She then wrote down some stuff on her clipboard once again.

"Alright, everything looks normal," Miss said. She looked at the rifleman outside. "Please go get me the cold testing bucket first."

The rifleman nodded and walked away. I looked at miss with curiosity.

"What's the testing bucket for?"

"We're gonna perform a cold pressor test on you."


"You're gonna stick your hand in some ice water and you're gonna tell me when it starts to hurt. I'll also be checking your heart rate."


A hooded man soon came back with a bucket of ice water. Miss placed it in front me and placed my arm in it.

"Tell me when it starts to hurt."

She went back to her computer and watched the screen while I kept my hand in the ice water. It felt cold... but not really painful.

After maybe a minute or so, my arm started to go numb. No pain though. Miss approached the bucket and looked at me.

"It doesn't hurt," she asked.

I just shook my head.

"Take your arm out."

I did as she said and took my arm out of the water. She held it and examined it.

"You should've at least felt something... perhaps we should try a different test."

I just sighed to myself. She went to the her desk and wrote something on her clipboard before exiting the room.

"Alright Thirty Six, follow me."

Authors notes: I know the past couple of chapters have been pretty like, boring... but I'll try to throw something in for the next one. More testing... but something specific about Danny will be tested. Hopefully I can make it exciting. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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