My Objective, My Mission

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I looked at her as she sat on the bed. She seemed to be trying to grasp the reality of what exactly just happened to her. I myself took sometime to think also.

Where was I gonna go? If this whole world was some sort of dream or simulation, then... nothing really mattered except for me and my objective. Just spend some time with uh... Libitina, and hope for the best when I wake up.

"Hey uh, Libitina."


"Uh... We should probably get going."

"Oh okay. If I may ask, where are we going?"

I suddenly felt myself becoming angry. I hated when she asked me questions, it just annoyed me so much. But I knew I couldn't stress her or myself out, so I took a quick second to calm myself down before answering her.

"Uh..." I said as I checked my pockets, only to find them empty. "I need to pick some things up from my house, so we'll stop by there first."

I realized that I didn't have a cellphone or a knife on me. As soon as I thought about my knife however, the world started to glitch for a bit. Libitina disappeared from the bed and suddenly appeared on the floor with her head barely hanging from her neck, just like I left her at Keith's house...

After maybe about three seconds, the glitching stopped and everything returned to normal.

"This isn't your home," Libitina asked in a casual tone.

I was honestly a little shocked by the sudden change of scenery, but I did my best to try and keep my voice calm.

"N-No, this is Keith's apartment. I was just hanging out with him today."

"Oh. W-Well It'd be nice to see your home... I'm sure it's nice."

"Yeah it is. Just don't touch anything when we're there! I..."

Calm yourself Danny.

"...can be kind of a clean freak," I said with a sigh.

"I-I won't touch anything."

"Good. Let's get going, then."

I headed out of the room with Yuri. We walked downstairs and made our way outside, but when we got there, I was surprised to see that my car wasn't there. Even Keith's truck wasn't there.

In fact, there were no vehicles in the parking lot except for one. A black NA Mazda Miata with a red stripe. I never owned a Miata... but I did particularly enjoy them. I remember looking at this exact same one when it was up for sale.

I checked my pockets again and found a key ring with two of the exact same keys. Two Mazda keys, both of which were probably for the car parked in front of me. I went ahead and approached the drivers side while Yuri approached the passengers side. I went ahead and tried to unlock the door with the keys I found in my pocket. Just like I suspected, the keys were for the car.

I got into the car and unlocked it for Libitina. I looked around for a bit inside the car and noticed that it was a stick shift. I only drove a stick shift once, so hopefully I still knew how to do this...

I started the car and shifted into gear. I got the car moving nearly flawlessly and started the drive to my house. As I was making my way there, I noticed there weren't any cars or people. The road ahead of me slowly appeared as if it was loading or something. I just kept going until I made my way to my house.

When I got there, I saw no cars parked outside. I parked the Miata in the drive way and entered my home, which conveniently had the front door unlocked. When I walked inside however, i forgot exactly what I was doing here.

Why did I come here again? I know I wanted to pick something up, but what exactly was I planning to take?

I suddenly noticed my phone on top of the dresser. I rarely leave the house without my cellphone... so I assumed that was what I was here for. I got my cellphone and headed back to Yuri, who was in the living room.

I know I had to spend time with her... But what exactly was I supposed to do? Take her to a restaurant? To the park maybe?

I sighed as I realized I wasn't really up for it. I just... I wasn't interested in being around her. There were a lot of things I'd rather be doing, but well... that would probably put Libitina in danger, which in turn would probably kill me.

I took my mind off of the negatives and thought about the positives. The more time I spent with her, the quicker the lab could gather information on her, which in turn would get me out of here quicker.

I think.

I approached Libitina, who was standing in the center of the living room doing her best not to touch anything.

"Hey Libitina."

"Oh, h-hey Danny," she nervously said.

"You can sit on the couch if you want... I just meant not to touch anything like, glass and the like."

She started looking around in an attempt to see what she should be careful around. After failing to find anything, she simply nodded and sat on the couch.

"Just... make yourself comfortable I guess."


She slightly adjusted her seating position on the couch. She then started gently playing with her hair while occasionally making eye contact with me. I sighed and took a seat next to her, which for some reason seemed to surprise her.

She let out a very light gasp before blushing. She also started to play with her hair a little more vigorously. It was actually kinda cute.

"Libitina, what's up with you," I asked.

"Huh? Oh nothing... I-I just really like... Or wait! I-I... I meant that uh..."

Her cheeks gradually became more red as she spoke. She slowly became more nervous and shy.

"Relax. Maybe hanging out at home wasn't the best idea. Hmm... Maybe could try going to a restaurant or something. I'm sure it'll create a more relaxing atmosphere."

"O-Oh... I-If you'd like to."

"Yeah let's go for it." I took my keys out of my pocket. "Come on, let's get going."

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